A light-weight, performant byte-slice MessageQueue implemented with go channels.
channelMq supports N-many subscribable message channels based on string subscription keys. Clients subscribing with an empty set of keys can either receive none of the messages on the system or all of them.
mq := channelMq.NewMQ()
// or
import (
func main() {
// Lets create a messageQueue
mq := channelMq.NewMQ()
// Now lets subscribe with an empty set of keys
keys := []string{}
ch := mq.Subscribe(keys)
// Now lets send some messages
mq.Send([]byte("Hello, World!"), []string{"someRandomKey", "someOtherKey"})
// To receive a message, simply receive from the channel
receivedMessage := <-ch
fmt.Println(string(receivedMessage)) // Prints "Hello, World!"