PostgREST client for Python. This library provides an "ORM-like" interface to PostgREST.
- Python >= 3.9
- PostgreSQL >= 13
- PostgREST >= 11
If you want to use a local PostgREST server for development, you can use our preconfigured instance via Docker Compose.
docker-compose up
Once Docker Compose started, PostgREST is accessible at http://localhost:3000.
poetry add postgrest
pip install postgrest
import asyncio
from postgrest import AsyncPostgrestClient
async def main():
async with AsyncPostgrestClient("http://localhost:3000") as client:
r = await client.from_("countries").select("*").execute()
countries =
await client.from_("countries").insert({ "name": "Việt Nam", "capital": "Hà Nội" }).execute()
r = await client.from_("countries").select("id", "name").execute()
countries =
await client.from_("countries").update({"capital": "Hà Nội"}).eq("name", "Việt Nam").execute()
await client.from_("countries").delete().eq("name", "Việt Nam").execute()
await client.rpc("foobar", {"arg1": "value1", "arg2": "value2"}).execute()
git clone
cd postgrest-py
poetry install
poetry run pre-commit install
poetry run pytest
Read more here.
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