Full Stack Web Developer (MERN), LeetCoder (3*), Competitive Programmer
- Kolkata India
- in/sunny8080
- https://leetcode.com/sunny8080/
- @sunny8080_
- sunny8080_
Study-Notion-Mern-Backend Public
Backend API for StudyNotion Application, a Ed Tech Platform for E Learning
Study-Notion-Mern-Frontend Public
Frontend UI for StudyNotion project, which is a Edtech platform for E-learning
Study-Notion-Mern Public
Education website using MERN stack
Quiz-Master-VueJs Public
This website can be used to take an Online MCQ Assessment. It is built using VueJs
Vue UpdatedNov 9, 2023 -
Manage-Users-API Public
Backend API for ManageUsers Appication to manage Users database.
HTML UpdatedJun 6, 2023 -
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