The SubQuery is a indexing tool for querying blockchains data. Anyone can build indexing service with SubQuery, and provide the api to making blockchain data easily accessible.
The SubQuery Network Smart Contracts are a set of Solidity contracts that power the decentralised SubQuery Network. The contracts enable a decentralized network that welcome indexers running query projects and provide queries to consumers. Consumers pay for queries with the SubQuery Token (SQT).
This repository includes contracts, js-sdk and rust-sdk.
We use dotenv to load env variable from .env
file, copy .env_template
to .env
, and update the ENDPOINT
and SEED
yarn install
install dependenciesyarn build
build the contracts and js-sdk
yarn test
Make sure the local node is running and the .env
config correctly.
Run yarn deploy
, will see the addresses of contracts output in the console.
For example deploying the contracts to Testnet
yarn deploy --testnet
You can also continue deploying the contracts from the last step with --history
yarn deploy --testnet --history
Find the latest deployment file: ./publish/local.json
Testnet contracts are deployed on the Polygon Mumbai
Find the latest deployment file: ./publish/testnet.json
Get configuration from js-sdk networks['testnet']
or rust-sdk Network::Testnet
kUSDC on Mumbai:
The Kepler network sits between a testnet and mainnet.
Kepler network contracts will be deployed on the Polygon Mainnet
Find the latest deployment file: ./publish/kepler.json
Get configuration from js-sdk networks['kepler']
or rust-sdk Network::Kepler
yarn build:contract
yarn build:types
yarn build:ts
cargo build
build with debug
To deploy on local network
yarn deploy
To deploy to mainnet and testnet
yarn deploy --mainnet
yarn deploy --kepler
yarn deploy --testnet
If contracts deploy failed with unexpected errors, you can try to continue deploying the contracts from the last step:
yarn deploy --testnet --history
To verify the contracts deployment, run the following cmd to verify specific type:
yarn verify --testnet --initialisation
yarn verify --testnet --configuration
yarn verify --testnet --ownership
yarn verify --testnet --all
Single Test
yarn test ./test/SQToken.test.ts
Note: After contract upgrade, should run below again.
yarn build
yarn test:all
yarn mocha test/Staking.test.ts
yarn upgrade <args> <matcher>
Position | arg | desc |
1 | --testnet | use config for testnet ./scripts/config/contracts.config.ts |
1 | --kepler | use config for kepler |
1 | --mainnet | use config for mainnet |
2 | --check-only | dry run |
2 | --implementation-only | deploy implementation contract without calling proxyAdmin to upgrade to, used for kepler & mainnet upgrade |
last | used when only want to upgrade specific contract |
yarn upgrade --network testnet --check-only=false --target child
yarn upgrade --network testnet --check-only=false --target root
# set up ETHERSCAN_API_KEY in .env
yarn hardhat publishChild --deployment publish/testnet.json --network testnet --networkpair testnet
yarn hardhat publishRoot --deployment publish/testnet.json --network goerli --networkpair testnet
node --inspect-brk -r ts-node/register -r tsconfig-paths/register scripts/...
- Building using Nix
$ nix-env -i -f
Install solc 0.6.12:
$ nix-env -f -iA solc-versions.solc_0_6_12
Run Echidna Tests:
$ echidna-test test-fuzz/PermissionedExchangeEchidnaTest.sol --contract PermissionedExchangeEchidnaTest --config echidna.config.yml
yarn hardhat flat contracts/PermissionedExchange.sol > Flattened.sol
You can find all revert code details at ./public/revertcode.json
Deposit usually takes more than 20 min Withdraw takes moer than 40 min
For some rpcs, eth_getRootHash is not available, in that case, we should use withdrawExitFaster
to support L1&L2 token pair mode, we can not burn token in l2 (bridge layer) according to the standard-bridge doc. Instead, we either can avoid burn token but switch to taking a fee to treasury, or we need to call cross chain transfer for burn token.