- Editor is our TDME2 project content editor, featuring tabs for the following type of content
- Empties
- Triggers
- Environment Maps
- 3D Models
- Particle Systems
- Terrains
- Scenes
- Texts
- Sounds
- Textures
- Fonts
- It has a hierarchal project folder view
- It has a folder content view with preview for each file if available
- It has a hierarchal outliner for each tab managed by the tabs itself
- It has context menus for outliner and folder content view
- It also provides search functions at certain places in the editor
- model loading
- DAE, Wavefront OBJ, FBX, TM model files and TMM meta data files
- model meta data file saving
- stores its model as TM file additionally
- render with generated ground, shadowing, bounding volume
- rotate, zoom
- setting up the model pivot
- set up rendering options
- shader
- contribute/receiving dynamic shadowing
- set up as render group
- setting up bounding volumes
- none
- sphere
- capsule
- bounding box
- oriented bounding box
- convex mesh
- multiple convex meshes can be automatically generated from any mesh using V-HACD
- or be imported from a given model with each top level node representing a convex mesh
- concave terrain mesh
- bounding volumes can be transformed by using a gizmo
- setting up physics properties
- body type, mass, bounciness, friction, inertia tensor
- setting up model properties
- key, value map for what ever reason
- LOD level editor
- type, distance, model, adjustment add/mul color, ...
- material editor
- adjust colors, textures, masked transparency
- animations editor
- create, edit and delete animations
- relate sounds to animations
- preview to test your model
- set up base animation and up to 3 animation overlays
- attach models on bones
- sound
- attach sounds to optional animations with optional additional key
- also set up gain, pitch, looping, fixed and offset for each sound
- tools
- be able to generate LOD2/LOD3 as billboard or imposter
- be able to compute smooth normals
- be able to optimize models in terms of mesh nodes and materials
- see statistics
- opaque faces
- transparent faces
- material count
- particle system loading
- particle system saving
- render with generated ground, shadowing, bounding volume
- rotate, zoom
- setting up particle system properties
- key, value map for what ever reason
- setting up a particle system group which consists of multiple particle systems, for each you can
- set up the type
- object particle system
- point particle system
- fog particle system
- set up and edit the emitter
- point particle emitter
- bounding box particle emitter
- circle particle emitter
- circle particle emitter with velocity on circle plane
- sphere particle emitter
- emitters can be transformed by using a gizmo
- set up the type
- setting up bounding volumes
- none
- sphere
- capsule
- bounding box
- oriented bounding box
- convex mesh
- bounding volumes can be transformed by using a gizmo
- sound
- attach sounds to optional animations with optional additional key
- also set up gain, pitch, looping, fixed and offset for each sound
- setting up terrain properties
- key, value map for what ever reason
- create terrain from 1m x 1m up to 4000m x 4000m
- load and save terrains
- use a brush to alter terrain with predefined or user generated textures
- operations are add, subtract, flatten, delete, smooth
- load a predefined or user generated texture as brush, whereas the rgb color space is used as strength base
- set up the texture scale
- set up the strength which will be multiplied with strength base derived from texture rgb color space
- foliage gets updated after terrain height change
- the terrain brush is displayed on top of terrain
- create water meshes with a auto fill like algorithm at grabbed brush terrain height
- use a brush to add or remove foliage with predefined or user generated textures
- operations are place, delete
- load a predefined or user generated texture as brush, whereas the rgb color space is used as density base
- set up the texture scale
- set up the density which will be multiplied with density base derived from texture rgb color space
- each prototype that will be painted has the following properties
- scale min, max
- rotation range X axis min, max
- rotation range Y axis min, max
- rotation range Z axis min, max
- slope min, max
- height min, max
- normal align
- the foliage brush is displayed on top of terrain
- use the ramp tool to connect higher terrain with lower terrain
- mirror the map around x and/or z axis optionally flipped
- prototype library
- in general
- setting up prototype properties
- key, value map for what ever reason
- setting up prototype properties
- models
- see model editor
- particle systems
- see particle system editor
- terrain
- see terrain editor
- empties
- trigger
- environment mappings
- in general
- scene editor
- setting up a grid where to place prototypes on
- setting up snapping where to align prototypes at
- load, save scenes, showing scene dimension
- import scenes from model files like FBX, DAE or TM
- setting up scene properties
- key, value map for what ever reason
- entities, which are instances from prototypes
- set up name, description
- see prototype name, center
- setting up entity transform for a single or multiple entities
- translation
- scaling
- rotation
- color your entities
- center entities
- remove entities
- reflection using a environment mapping
- entities can be transformed by using a gizmo
- setting up entity properties
- key, value map for what ever reason
- set up up to 8 lights (for now)
- see and select entities(models, particle systems, empties and trigger) from prototype library to place them in the scene
- rotate, zoom and pan scene
- copy and paste
- other
- large models like terrain meshes can be partitioned in 64mx64mx64m objects
- TDME2 Philosophy, see README-Philosophy.md
- TDME2 Engine, see README.md
- TDME2 Editor, see README-Editor.md
- TDME2 How to build, see README-BuildingHowTo.md
- TDME2 Screenshots, see README-Screenshots.md
- Note: This document is WIP