Tamper scripts to help with retailer checkout
- Displays add to cart buttons on AMD product list page or product detail page.
** You first need to login to EVGA with your account!!!
You need to edit the script and set your first name, last name, and email:
const PRODUCT_NUMBER = "08G-P4-2289-KR"; // <-- Enter the product number you want to enter into queue
const FIRST_NAME = "Falco";
const LAST_NAME = "McGinity";
const EMAIL = "[email protected]";
Load the script into tamper monkey (and make sure it is enabled)
Go to the below url (you need to put same PRODUCT_NUMBER in url below)
If you use a product number that the queue is NOT OPEN for, the script will continue to reload the above url (ie. should work when the queue opens)
You may see Access Denied -> clear your evga cookies, login, and try again.
3080ti FTW3 Hydro Copper - https://www.evga.com/products/autonotify.aspx?pn=12G-P5-3969-KR 3080ti XC3 Hydro Copper - https://www.evga.com/products/autonotify.aspx?pn=12G-P5-3958-KR 3080ti FTW3 ULTRA - https://www.evga.com/products/autonotify.aspx?pn=12G-P5-3967-KR 3080ti Hybrid FTW3 Ultra - https://www.evga.com/products/autonotify.aspx?pn=12G-P5-3968-KR 3080ti XC3 ULTRA - https://www.evga.com/products/autonotify.aspx?pn=12G-P5-3955-KR 3080ti Hybrid XC3 - https://www.evga.com/products/autonotify.aspx?pn=12G-P5-3958-KR