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Context : IOS (Physical Device Using Expo Managed Workflow Typescript
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import { NavigationState } from "@react-navigation/native"; import * as React from "react"; import { Route, StyleSheet, Image, TextInput, Alert, Platform, } from "react-native"; import { ScrollView, TouchableOpacity } from "react-native-gesture-handler"; import { NavigationScreenProp } from "react-navigation"; var Parse = require("parse/react-native"); import { Text, View } from "../components/Themed"; import { useSelector } from "react-redux"; import { ProductItem } from "../global"; import { useEffect } from "react"; import { useState } from "react"; import Colors from "../constants/Colors"; import useColorScheme from "../hooks/useColorScheme"; import { FontAwesome5 } from "@expo/vector-icons"; import * as EmailValidator from "email-validator"; import RadioButton from '../components/Radio' import moment from 'moment-timezone' moment.tz.add("America/Martinique|FFMT AST ADT|44.k 40 30|0121|-2mPTT.E 2LPbT.E 19X0|39e4"); import { StripeProvider, useStripe } from '@stripe/stripe-react-native'; interface NavigationParams { restoId: string; } type Navigation = NavigationScreenProp<NavigationState, NavigationParams>; interface Props { navigation: Navigation; route: Route; restaurant: []; } const TAKEAWAY = 'TakeAway', DELIVERY = 'Delivery' export const custInfoScreen = ({ route, navigation }: Props) => { const { initPaymentSheet, presentPaymentSheet } = useStripe(); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [clientSecret, setClientSecret] = useState<string>(); const [paymentSheetEnabled, setPaymentSheetEnabled] = useState(false); const [email, setEmail] = useState(""); const [firstname, setFirstname] = useState(""); const [lastname, setLastname] = useState(""); const [delifare, setDelifare] = useState(0); const [intcustCityChoice, setIntcustCityChoice] = useState([{ city : "", tar:0, checked:false }]); const [phone, setPhone] = useState(""); const [line1, setLine1] = useState(); const [city, setCity] = useState(); const [zip, setZip] = useState(); const [notecom, setNotecom] = useState(); const [resa, setResa] = useState({ id: "", engagModeResa: "", guestFlat: [{ email: "" }], }); const [paylink, setPaylink] = useState(); const [totalCashBasket, setTotalCashBasket] = useState(0); const [intcust, setIntcust] = useState({ id: "", apikeypp: "", paymentChoice: "", option_DeliveryByNoukarive: false, option_DeliveryByToutAlivrer: false, stripeAccId: "", orderDaily_StopTaway: 0, orderCren_StopTaway: 0, confirmModeOrderOptions_shiftinterval: 0, orderDaily_StopDelivery: 0, orderCren_StopDelivery: 0, confirmModeOrderOptions_delayorder: 0, delayorderDelivery: 0, takeaway_StopYesterday: false, delivery_StopYesterday: false, takeawaynightstart: "", takeawaynoonblock: "", takeawaynightblock: "", deliverynightstart: "", deliverynoonblock: "", deliverynightblock: "" }); const products = useSelector((state: ProductItem[]) => state); const textColor = useThemeColor({ light: "black", dark: "white" }, "text"); const { bookingType, restoId, day, hour } = route.params const date = moment.tz(day.substring(0,10) + ' ' + hour, 'America/Martinique') function useThemeColor( props: { light?: string; dark?: string }, colorName: keyof typeof Colors.light & keyof typeof Colors.dark ) { const theme = useColorScheme(); const colorFromProps = props[theme]; if (colorFromProps) { return colorFromProps; } else { return Colors[theme][colorName]; } } async function onChangeTextEmail(email: any) { setEmail(email.trim().toLowerCase()); } async function onChangeTextFirstname(firstname: any) { setFirstname(firstname); } async function onChangeTextCity(city: any) { setCity(city); } async function onChangeTextNotecom(notecom: any) { setNotecom(notecom); } async function onChangeTextZip(zip: any) { setZip(zip); } async function onChangeTextline1(line1: any) { setLine1(line1); } async function onChangeTextLastname(lastname: any) { setLastname(lastname); } async function onChangeTextPhone(phone: any) { setPhone(phone); } const fetchPaymentSheetParams = async () => { let params = { } const { paymentIntent, ephemeralKey, customer } = await Parse.Cloud.run("stripeCheckoutForRN", params) setClientSecret(paymentIntent); return { paymentIntent, ephemeralKey, customer, }; }; const initializePaymentSheet = async () => { const { paymentIntent, ephemeralKey, customer, } = await fetchPaymentSheetParams(); const { error } = await initPaymentSheet({ customerId: customer, customerEphemeralKeySecret: ephemeralKey, paymentIntentClientSecret: paymentIntent, }); if (!error) { setLoading(true); } }; const openPaymentSheet = async () => { if (!clientSecret) { return; } setLoading(true); const { error } = await presentPaymentSheet({ clientSecret, }); if (error) { Alert.alert(`Error code: ${error.code}`, error.message); } else { Alert.alert('Success', 'The payment was confirmed successfully'); } setPaymentSheetEnabled(false); setLoading(false); }; async function calculusTotalCashBasket() { let sumRaw = 0; products.map((product) => { sumRaw = sumRaw + product.quantity * product.amount; }); setTotalCashBasket(sumRaw); } async function getReservation() { let params = { date: moment.tz(day, 'America/Martinique').toDate(), itid: intcust.id } const resas = await Parse.Cloud.run("getReservationsSafeByDate", params) return await resas.filter((x:any) => x.attributes.status) } async function testOrderDaily_Stop() { let isValid = true if([TAKEAWAY, DELIVERY].includes(bookingType)){ if((bookingType === TAKEAWAY && intcust.orderDaily_StopTaway === 0) || (bookingType === DELIVERY && intcust.orderDaily_StopDelivery === 0)) isValid = false else { const resasClean = await getReservation() if(resasClean.length > 0 && (bookingType === TAKEAWAY && intcust.orderDaily_StopTaway === resasClean.filter((x:any) => x.attributes.engagModeResa === bookingType).length) || (bookingType === DELIVERY && intcust.orderDaily_StopDelivery === resasClean.filter((x:any) => x.attributes.engagModeResa === bookingType).length) ) isValid = false } } return isValid; } async function testOrderCren_Stop() { let isValid = true if([TAKEAWAY, DELIVERY].includes(bookingType) && intcust.confirmModeOrderOptions_shiftinterval > 0){ const resasClean = await getReservation() if(resasClean.length > 0 && ((bookingType === DELIVERY? intcust.orderCren_StopDelivery : intcust.orderCren_StopTaway) === resasClean.filter((x:any) => { let isBetweenInterval = false const h = parseInt(hour.substring(0, 2)), m = parseInt(hour.substring(3)), resaH = moment.tz(x.attributes.date, 'America/Martinique').hour(), resaM = moment.tz(x.attributes.date, 'America/Martinique').minute(), min = m < intcust.confirmModeOrderOptions_shiftinterval || intcust.confirmModeOrderOptions_shiftinterval === 60 ? 0 : intcust.confirmModeOrderOptions_shiftinterval, max = min + intcust.confirmModeOrderOptions_shiftinterval < 60 ? min + intcust.confirmModeOrderOptions_shiftinterval : 60; isBetweenInterval = h === resaH && min <= resaM && max >= resaM; return ( x.attributes.engagModeResa === bookingType && isBetweenInterval ); }).length )) isValid = false; } return isValid; } async function testDelayCren_Stop() { let isValid = true const delay = bookingType === DELIVERY? intcust.delayorderDelivery : intcust.confirmModeOrderOptions_delayorder if([TAKEAWAY, DELIVERY].includes(bookingType) && delay > 0){ if(moment.tz(date,'America/Martinique').diff(moment.tz('America/Martinique'), 'minutes') < delay) isValid = false } return isValid } async function testNoonNight_Stop() { let isValid = true const stopYesterday = bookingType === DELIVERY? intcust.takeaway_StopYesterday : intcust.delivery_StopYesterday if(date.isSame(moment.tz("America/Martinique"), "day") ){ if([TAKEAWAY, DELIVERY].includes(bookingType)) { if(stopYesterday) { isValid = date.diff(date.subtract(1, 'days').set({hour:0,minute:0,second:0,millisecond:0})) < 0 } else { const nightblock = bookingType === DELIVERY? intcust.deliverynightblock : intcust.takeawaynightblock, nightstart = bookingType === DELIVERY? intcust.deliverynightstart : intcust.takeawaynightstart, noonblock = bookingType === DELIVERY? intcust.deliverynoonblock : intcust.takeawaynoonblock, dateNoonblock = moment.tz(day.substring(0,10) + ' ' + noonblock, 'America/Martinique'), dateNightstart = moment.tz(day.substring(0,10) + ' ' + nightstart, 'America/Martinique'), dateNightblock = moment.tz(day.substring(0,10) + ' ' + nightblock, 'America/Martinique') isValid = date.diff(dateNoonblock) < 0 || (date.diff(dateNightstart) > 0 && date.diff(dateNightblock) < 0) } }} else{ isValid=true } return isValid } async function testQuantity() { let isValid = true for(var product of products) { var Menu = Parse.Object.extend("Menu"); let menu = new Menu(); menu.id = product.id; await menu.fetch(); const params = { itid: restoId, menuid: product.id, date: day } const consumed = await Parse.Cloud.run("checkStock", params) if (menu.attributes.provisionStockBase.length > 0) { let provision = menu.attributes.provisionStockBase.filter((x:any) => moment.tz(x.date, 'America/Martinique').isSame(moment.tz(x.date, 'America/Martinique'), "day")); isValid = provision[0].provision > consumed + 1 if(!isValid){ Alert.alert(`Le stock est épuisé sur le produit ${product.name}. Vous pouvez retourner au panier pour le modifier.`) navigation.navigate("basketScreen", { restoId: intcust.id, bookingType: bookingType, day: day }) break } } } return isValid } async function goPay() { let blockGo = false; if ( email && EmailValidator.validate(email) == true && firstname && lastname && phone && blockGo == false ) { // Tester si le nombre de commande à emporter pour une intervalle de temps < orderCren_Stop const testOC = await testOrderCren_Stop() let testOD = true, testDelayCren = true, testNoonNight = true, testQty = true if(!testOC){ Alert.alert("La limite de commande a été atteinte sur ce créneau horaire sur ce restaurant. Vous pouvez commander pour un autre créneau horaire.") navigation.navigate("RestoScreen", { restoId: intcust.id, bookingType: bookingType, day: day }) } else { // Tester si le nombre de commande à emporter < orderDaily_Stop testOD = await testOrderDaily_Stop() if(!testOD){ Alert.alert("La limite de commande a été atteinte pour aujourd'hui sur ce restaurant. Il n'a plus de disponibilité. Vous pouvez commander pour un autre jour.") navigation.navigate("RestoScreen", { restoId: intcust.id, bookingType: bookingType, day: 'null' }) } else { testDelayCren = await testDelayCren_Stop() if(!testDelayCren) { Alert.alert("Le créneau que vous avez sélectionné est maintenant trop proche pour permettre au restaurant d'être prêt.") navigation.navigate("RestoScreen", { restoId: intcust.id, bookingType: bookingType, day: 'null' }) } else { testNoonNight = await testNoonNight_Stop() if(!testNoonNight) { Alert.alert("L’heure limite de commande du service est désormais dépassée. Vous pouvez commander pour un autre service ou un autre jour.") navigation.navigate("RestoScreen", { restoId: intcust.id, bookingType: bookingType, day: day }) } else { testQty = await testQuantity() } } } } if(testOC && testOD && testDelayCren && testNoonNight && testQty) { let params = { email: email, itid: intcust.id, }; const res = await Parse.Cloud.run("getGuest", params); var Guest = Parse.Object.extend("Guest"); let guestRaw = new Guest(); if (res.length == 0) { guestRaw.set("firstname", firstname); guestRaw.set("lastname", lastname); guestRaw.set("email", email); await guestRaw.save(); } else if (res.length > 0) { guestRaw.id = res[0].id; } var Reservation = Parse.Object.extend("Reservation"); let resaRaw = new Reservation(); resaRaw.set("date", moment.tz(day, 'America/Martinique').hours(route.params.hour.substring(0, 2)) .minute(route.params.hour.substring(3)).toDate()); resaRaw.set("guest", guestRaw); let arrayGuest = [ { firstname: firstname, lastname: lastname, mobilephone: phone, email: email, }, ]; resaRaw.set("line_items", products); var Intcust = Parse.Object.extend("Intcust"); let intcustRawY = new Intcust(); intcustRawY.id = intcust.id; resaRaw.set("intcust", intcustRawY); resaRaw.set("guestFlat", arrayGuest); resaRaw.set("delifare", Number(delifare)); resaRaw.set("order", true); resaRaw.set("notes", notecom); resaRaw.set("process", "appdisco"); if (bookingType == "TakeAway") { let params2 = { itid: intcust.id, }; const res3 = await Parse.Cloud.run("getTakeAwayAsSeating", params2); resaRaw.set("seating", res3[0]); // en cours let arraySeating = [ { name: res3[0].attributes.name, type: res3[0].attributes.type, description: res3[0].attributes.description, capacity: res3[0].attributes.capacity, }, ]; resaRaw.set("seatingFlat", arraySeating); } if (bookingType == "Delivery") { let params2 = { itid: intcust.id, }; const res3 = await Parse.Cloud.run("getDeliveryAsSeating", params2); resaRaw.set("seating", res3[0]); // en cours let arraySeating = [ { name: res3[0].attributes.name, type: res3[0].attributes.type, description: res3[0].attributes.description, capacity: res3[0].attributes.capacity, }, ]; resaRaw.set("seatingFlat", arraySeating); } resaRaw.set("status", "En cours"); // en cours resaRaw.set("engagModeResa", bookingType); resaRaw.set("delifare", Number(delifare)); resaRaw.set("source", { utm_campaign: "APP", utm_medium: Platform.OS, utm_source: Platform.Version, utm_content: "APP", }); await resaRaw.save(); await setResa({ id: resaRaw.id || "", engagModeResa: resaRaw.attributes.engagModeResa || "", guestFlat: resaRaw.attributes.guestFlat || [], }); if (intcust.paymentChoice !== "stripeOptin") { const params1 = { itid: intcust.id, winl: "window.location.host", resaid: resaRaw.id, customeremail: email, customerfirstname: firstname, customerlastname: lastname, customerphone: phone, type: "order", amount: totalCashBasket +Number(delifare), apikeypp: intcust.apikeypp, mode: bookingType, noukarive: intcust.option_DeliveryByNoukarive, toutalivrer: intcust.option_DeliveryByToutAlivrer, }; const response = await Parse.Cloud.run("getPayPlugPaymentUrlRN", params1); // navigate and options payLink navigation.navigate("paymentScreen", { restoId: restoId, paylink: response, bookingType: bookingType, resaId: resaRaw.id, day: day, hour: hour, amount: totalCashBasket + Number(delifare), }); } else if (intcust.paymentChoice == "stripeOptin") { const params1 = { itid: intcust.id, winl: "https://www.tablediscover.com", resaid: resaRaw.id, paidtype: "order", customeremail: "[email protected]", type: "order", amount: Math.ceil(totalCashBasket) + Number(delifare), mode: resaRaw.attributes.engagModeResa, noukarive: intcust.option_DeliveryByNoukarive, toutalivrer: intcust.option_DeliveryByToutAlivrer, stripeAccount: intcust.stripeAccId, }; const session = await Parse.Cloud.run( "createCheckoutSessionStripeForApp", params1 ); console.log(session) navigation.navigate("paymentStripeScreen", { CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID: session.id, STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY: "HIDDENPK", bookingType: bookingType, stripeAccount: intcust.stripeAccId, resaId: resaRaw.id, day: day, hour: hour, amount: totalCashBasket + Number(delifare), }); } } } else if (!email || EmailValidator.validate(email) == false) { Alert.alert( "Merci de vérifier votre adresse email. Le format est incorrect." ); } else { alert("Merci de saisir tous les champs. "); } } useEffect(() => { initializePaymentSheet(); var Intcust = Parse.Object.extend("Intcust"); let intcustRaw = new Intcust(); intcustRaw.id = restoId; setIntcustCityChoice(intcustRaw.attributes.citiesChoice2) let intcustRawX = [ { id: intcustRaw.id, apikeypp: intcustRaw.attributes.apikeypp || "", paymentChoice: intcustRaw.attributes.paymentChoice || "", option_DeliveryByNoukarive: intcustRaw.attributes.option_DeliveryByNoukarive || false, option_DeliveryByToutAlivrer: intcustRaw.attributes.option_DeliveryByToutAlivrer || false, stripeAccId: intcustRaw.attributes.stripeAccId || "", orderDaily_StopTaway: intcustRaw.attributes.orderDaily_StopTaway || 0, orderCren_StopTaway: intcustRaw.attributes.orderCren_StopTaway || 0, confirmModeOrderOptions_shiftinterval: intcustRaw.attributes.confirmModeOrderOptions_shiftinterval || 0, orderDaily_StopDelivery: intcustRaw.attributes.orderDaily_StopDelivery || 0, orderCren_StopDelivery: intcustRaw.attributes.orderCren_StopDelivery || 0, confirmModeOrderOptions_delayorder: intcustRaw.attributes.confirmModeOrderOptions_delayorder || 0, delayorderDelivery: intcustRaw.attributes.delayorderDelivery || 0, takeaway_StopYesterday: intcustRaw.attributes.takeaway_StopYesterday || false, delivery_StopYesterday: intcustRaw.attributes.delivery_StopYesterday || false, takeawaynightstart: intcustRaw.attributes.takeawaynightstart || "", takeawaynoonblock: intcustRaw.attributes.takeawaynoonblock || "", takeawaynightblock: intcustRaw.attributes.takeawaynightblock || "", deliverynightstart: intcustRaw.attributes.deliverynightstart || "", deliverynoonblock: intcustRaw.attributes.deliverynoonblock || "", deliverynightblock: intcustRaw.attributes.deliverynightblock || "", }, ]; setIntcust(intcustRawX[0]); calculusTotalCashBasket(); }, []); return ( <ScrollView> <View style={styles.container}> <View style={styles.container2}> <Text style={styles.label}>Votre adresse email</Text> <TextInput style={{ color: textColor, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", height: 50, marginHorizontal: 20, marginTop: 4, paddingLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 10, fontSize: 15, borderColor: "grey", }} onChangeText={onChangeTextEmail} placeholder="[email protected]" value={email} /> <Text style={styles.label}>Votre prénom</Text> <TextInput style={{ color: textColor, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", height: 50, marginHorizontal: 20, marginTop: 4, paddingLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 10, fontSize: 15, borderColor: "grey", }} onChangeText={onChangeTextFirstname} placeholder="Gustavo" value={firstname} /> <Text style={styles.label}>Votre nom de famille</Text> <TextInput style={{ color: textColor, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", height: 50, marginHorizontal: 20, marginTop: 4, paddingLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 10, fontSize: 15, borderColor: "grey", }} onChangeText={onChangeTextLastname} placeholder="Martin" value={lastname} /> <Text style={styles.label}>Votre numéro de portable sans indicatif</Text> <TextInput style={{ color: textColor, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", height: 50, marginHorizontal: 20, marginTop: 4, paddingLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 10, fontSize: 15, borderColor: "grey", }} onChangeText={onChangeTextPhone} placeholder="069X 00 00 00" value={phone} /> {bookingType == "Delivery" && ( <View> <Text style={styles.label}> L'adresse à laquelle vous souhaitez être livré </Text> <TextInput style={{ color: textColor, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", height: 50, marginHorizontal: 20, marginTop: 4, paddingLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 10, fontSize: 15, borderColor: "grey", }} onChangeText={onChangeTextline1} placeholder="5 rue des accacias" value={line1} /> <Text style={styles.label}>Code Postal</Text> <TextInput style={{ color: textColor, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", height: 50, marginHorizontal: 20, marginTop: 4, paddingLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 10, fontSize: 15, borderColor: "grey", }} onChangeText={onChangeTextZip} placeholder="97200" value={zip} /> <Text style={styles.label}>Choisir une ville / zone de livraison</Text> {intcustCityChoice && intcustCityChoice.map((city: any, index8: any) => ( <View key={city.city +'view'} style={{ flexDirection:'row', alignItems:'center', justifyContent:'space-between', marginHorizontal:30, marginTop:10}}> <Text key={city.city +'text'} style={{fontFamily:'geometria-regular' }}>{city.city} {city.tar && city.tar > 0 && "+" + city.tar + "€"}</Text> <RadioButton key={city.city +'radio'} onPress={() => { setCity(city.city) setDelifare(Number(city.tar)) if(city.checked==false || !city.checked){ city.checked=true;} else{ city.checked=false; } }} color="#ff5050" status={city.checked==true? 'checked' : 'unchecked'} value={city} style={{ marginRight:80 }}/> </View> ))} </View> )} <Text style={styles.label}> Note / Commentaire sur votre commande </Text> <TextInput style={{ color: textColor, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", height: 50, marginHorizontal: 20, marginTop: 4, paddingLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 10, fontSize: 15, borderColor: "grey", }} onChangeText={onChangeTextNotecom} placeholder="Fort-de-france" value={notecom} /> <TouchableOpacity onPress={openPaymentSheet} style={styles.appButtonContainer} > <Text style={styles.appButtonText}> {" "} <Text style={styles.payText}>Valider et payer</Text>{" "} </Text> </TouchableOpacity> <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => goPay()} style={styles.appButtonContainer} > <Text style={styles.appButtonText}> {" "} <Text style={styles.payText}>Valider et payer</Text>{" "} </Text> </TouchableOpacity> {intcust && intcust.paymentChoice == "stripeOptin" && ( <Text style={styles.appButtonText}> {" "} Avec <FontAwesome5 name="cc-stripe" size={24} color={textColor} />{" "} </Text> )} {intcust && intcust.paymentChoice !== "stripeOptin" && ( <Text style={styles.appButtonText}> {" "} Avec{" "} <Image source={require("../assets/images/pplogo.png")} fadeDuration={0} style={{ width: 90, height: 50 }} /> </Text> )} </View> <TouchableOpacity style={styles.listitem} onPress={() => { navigation.navigate("termsScreen", { restoId: restoId, bookingType: bookingType, }); }} > <Text style={styles.text}>En continuant j'accepte les CGU 👀➡️ </Text> </TouchableOpacity> </View> </ScrollView> ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ label: { marginHorizontal: 20, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", marginTop: 20, }, input: { height: 50, marginHorizontal: 20, marginTop: 4, paddingLeft: 20, borderWidth: 1, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", borderRadius: 10, fontSize: 15, borderColor: "grey", }, inputContainer: { marginTop: 4, borderBottomWidth: 0, }, container: { flex: 1, }, container2: { // paddingTop : 30 }, payText: { alignSelf: "center", color: "white", }, listitem: { padding: 5, alignItems: "center", }, appButtonContainer: { elevation: 8, marginBottom: 10, marginTop: 30, backgroundColor: "#ff5050", borderRadius: 10, marginRight: 20, marginLeft: 20, paddingVertical: 13, paddingHorizontal: 14, }, appButtonText: { alignContent: "space-between", display: "flex", fontSize: 18, // color: "#fff", fontWeight: "bold", alignSelf: "center", fontFamily: "geometria-bold", }, minitext: { fontSize: 16, padding: 4, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", }, searchIcon: { color: "grey", fontSize: 20, marginLeft: 5, marginRight: 1, }, title: { // flex:1, alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", fontSize: 30, padding: 20, fontFamily: "geometria-bold", fontWeight: "bold", }, textBold: { flex: 1, fontSize: 16, top: 0, fontFamily: "geometria-bold", fontWeight: "bold", padding: 20, }, textRaw: { flex: 1, fontSize: 16, top: 0, fontFamily: "geometria-regular", }, text: { // flex:1, fontSize: 16, top: 0, margin: "auto", fontFamily: "geometria-regular", }, separator: { marginVertical: 30, height: 1, width: "80%", }, }); export default custInfoScreen;
import { StatusBar } from 'expo-status-bar'; import React from 'react'; import { SafeAreaProvider } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import * as Font from "expo-font"; import useCachedResources from './hooks/useCachedResources'; import useColorScheme from './hooks/useColorScheme'; import Navigation from './navigation'; import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; var Parse = require("parse/react-native"); import {AppearanceProvider} from 'react-native-appearance'; import {withAppContextProvider} from './components/GlobalContext'; // add this import {AppRegistry} from 'react-native'; import {expo as appName} from './app.json'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { store } from './store'; import { StripeProvider } from '@stripe/stripe-react-native'; Parse.setAsyncStorage(AsyncStorage); Parse.initialize("table"); Parse.serverURL = `https://prodtableserver.osc-fr1.scalingo.io/parse`; //`https://pptableserver.osc-fr1.scalingo.io/parse`; export default function App() { const isLoadingComplete = useCachedResources(); const colorScheme = useColorScheme(); loadResourcesAsync() ; if (!isLoadingComplete) { return null; } else { return ( <StripeProvider publishableKey="HIDDENPK"> <Provider store={store}> <AppearanceProvider> <SafeAreaProvider> <Navigation colorScheme={colorScheme} /> <StatusBar /> </SafeAreaProvider> </AppearanceProvider> </Provider> </StripeProvider> ); } async function loadResourcesAsync() { await Promise.all([ Font.loadAsync({ "geometria-regular": require("./assets/fonts/GeometriaLight.otf"), "geometria-bold": require("./assets/fonts/GeometriaBold.ttf") }) ]); return 1 } } AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName.name, () => withAppContextProvider(App));
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