feat: proposal for content claims #250
10 errors
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "NextGen".
Suggested alternatives: "Next Gen", "Next-Gen", "Next-gen", "Neogene"
If you want to ignore this message, add NextGen to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "proxying".
Suggested alternatives: "propping"
If you want to ignore this message, add proxying to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "dir".
Suggested alternatives: "deer", "jr", "rid", "Dir", "sir", "fir", "die", "dire", "dirt", "dirk", "dis", "air", "din", "cir", "did"
If you want to ignore this message, add dir to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "referrenced".
Suggested alternatives: "referenced", "reference", "deference", "reverenced", "referred"
If you want to ignore this message, add referrenced to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "unixfs".
Suggested alternatives: "UnixFS"
If you want to ignore this message, add unixfs to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "multihash".
Suggested alternatives: "multi hash", "multi-hash", "multitask"
If you want to ignore this message, add multihash to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "verifable".
Suggested alternatives: "verifiable", "veritable", "veritably"
If you want to ignore this message, add verifable to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "contiuous".
Suggested alternatives: "continuous", "contiguous", "contentious", "contusion"
If you want to ignore this message, add contiuous to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "source_file".
Suggested alternatives: "Sourceforge"
If you want to ignore this message, add source_file to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt
Misspelled word:
Misspelled word "transactionally".
Suggested alternatives: "transaction ally", "transaction-ally", "transactional", "transitionally", "transaction", "transnational"
If you want to ignore this message, add transactionally to the ignore file at ./.github/workflows/words-to-ignore.txt