Gluon to Keras deep neural network model converter
git clone
cd gluon2keras
pip install -e .
or you can use pip
pip install gluon2keras
# Get a model from gluon cv
from gluoncv2.model_provider import get_model as glcv2_get_model
net = glcv2_get_model("xception")
# Make sure it's hybrid and initialized
# Test input
input_np = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (1, 3, 299, 299))
gluon_output = net(mx.nd.array(input_np))
# Keras model
k_model = gluon2keras(net, [(1, 3, 299, 299)], verbose=True, names='short')
error = check_error(gluon_output, k_model, input_np)
Look at the tests
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