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This repository has my personal set of dotfiles, split across several categories:

  • True ‘dotfiles’ -- configuration files with a name that begins with a . (like .profile).
  • Utility scripts are in dot_sh/bin, which will be placed at $HOME/.sh/bin. Each script has a documentation block that explains what the script does, and demonstrates how to use it. I use the histgrep and switch utility scripts a lot.
  • ‘Per-session’ scripts are in dot_sh/session, which will be placed at $HOME/.sh/session. These scripts do things like adding to $PATH, creating shell aliases, and defining environment variables.


This repository depends on the chezmoi tool. Once you’ve installed chezmoi, run this command in your terminal:

chezmoi init --apply --verbose

To make git commits, you’ll need to make sure $HOME/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml has these keys defined, with your own values filled in:

name = "Your name here"

# @see
email = "Your email here"
signingkey = "Your GPG key here"

You can read the chezmoi documentation for more information on how to use the tool.