Ansible playbook to install and configure i3 on Ubuntu.
This playbook installs i3 and some additional tools to provide a complete i3 environment.
This Ansible role installs the following components:
- i3 the tiling window manager with a custom config.
- j4-dmenu-desktop a fast desktop menu
- rofi: A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
- quickswitch-i3 a python utility to quickly change to and locate windows in i3.
- compton a compositor for X11.
- conky a Light-weight system monitor for X with custom theme.
- dunst: lightweight and customizable notification daemon
- lightdm with custom theme.
First, copy vars/vars.yml.example
to vars/vars.yml
and add your username and your password.
Then you can start the playbook:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts -e action=install
To Ansible playbook can be tested with Vagrant:
vagrant up
- j4-make-config
- Status line for i3
- j4status and j4status-plugins and i3blocks
- or i3pystatus
- or py3status