Add your Xcode test results to Danger.
yarn add danger-plugin-xcode-report --dev
At a glance:
// dangerfile.js
import generateXcodeReport from 'danger-plugin-xcode-report'
generateXcodeReport({}) // With optional XcodeReportOptions
This plugin requires json formatted results provided by xcpretty-json-formatter. The default export directory is ./build/reports/errors.json
, which is where danger-plugin-xcode-report
looks for it by default. If you change that just provide a different pathToReport
in the options.
Take a look at XcodeReportOptions for the options you can provide to the pugin.
This plugin owes everything to the origin plugin for Danger Ruby, by Diogot, danger-xcode-summary. All credit for the idea goes to Diogot, this plugin just grew out of my desire for the same for Danger.js.
See the GitHub release history.