This is a script that will build a chroot development environment for the demoscene tool;
I created this because I did not want to spray all the files related to m68-amgiaos-gcc all over my system. This way it it all in one neat place. I have only tested this on Ubuntu Linux 20.04.
To install the environment first permit remote x11 clients to connect with;
xhost +
Then just run the script with sudo;
sudo ./
The script will create a directory in /demoscene-chroot
that will be used to hold the chroot environment. However this location can be configured in
After the script has complete you can enter the chroot environment with;
sudo chroot /demoscene-chroot /bin/bash
Then you should be able to; cd /demoscene
and do a make
. This will build all routines. cd into any effects directory and do make run
, the emulator should start on your desktop and run the routine.
Type exit
to quit from the chroot prompt.
If you reboot your system you will loss the mount that are setup for the chroot environment. Just run;
sudo ./
To make development of the effects a little easier, you can set the permissions on files with the source code whilst in the chroot environment
sudo chmod o+rw -R /demoscene
This will then alow you to run your IDE from your host system and edit the files.
To uninstall just run;
sudo ./