TmxSql enables localization engineers to work with translation memories (TM) using SQL. You can create a Centralized TM Repository from TMX files that they can query using SQL. The TMX file format, Translation Memory Exchange, is a standard in XML format used to transfer translation data.
For more information on the TMX file format:
Getting Started: Use Git to pull down a clone of TmxSql. Here is a quick tutorial. You will need the following files:
- tmxdb.sqlite: Sqlite Database (an empty one will work - a sample is included)
- Python script to import your tmx files.
- enfr_test.tmx: Sample TMX file
- sqlite-manager: FireFox plug in manage sqlite databases right in your browser
Import your TMX Files: Type the following command to import your files into sqlite: enfr_test.tmx
Connect to the Sqlite Database:
- Add the Sqlite Manager Plugin to FireFox
- Connect to the database file 'tmxdb.sqlite'
Query the TM Repostiory:
From there you can use sql to query and update your translation memories. Here is an example:
SELECT * FROM TranslationUnits
Some useful queries are provided in 'tmx2sql_useful_queries.sql'
Note: This is my class project for a computer science course at Portland State University, CS 561: Open Source Software Development taught by Bart Massey.
Acknowledgements: This project was inspired by Gert Van Asshe from Datamundi. Gert has been doing work on TMX using SQL. This project is a result of conversations with Gert.
Can be used to effectively manage bilingual TMX files using SQL queries. Not ready yet to import TMX files with 3 or more languages.
- Import: Allow import of TMX files with multiple target segments for each translation unit.
- Import: Define interfaces to abstract db layer and decouple Sqlite dependency.
- Import: argument: allow *.tmx on DOS
- Import: add optional argument: --dbname
- Import: add optional argument: --company Specify a company name
- Import: add optional argument: --domain Specify a domain if known
- Import: Try catch for exceptions with db transactions
- Import: Break up code into smaller modules
- Testing: Create python unit tests, test on linux
- SQL: Move Source/Target language columns to column headers in views.
- SQL: Add to property table - any other meta data? Header?
- SQL: Performance: Indexes to improve performance, defrag existing db file
- SQL: More sql views
- SQL: Table or ini file of regexps to clean and dedupe data