MoonUSB is a Lua binding library for libusb, allowing applications to access and use USB devices.
MoonUSB also provides a submodule for emulating USB devices via USB/IP.
It runs on GNU/Linux and requires Lua (>=5.3) and libusb (>= 1.0.24).
Author: Stefano Trettel
MIT/X11 license (same as Lua). See LICENSE.
See the Reference Manual.
Setup the build environment as described here, then:
$ git clone
$ cd moonusb
moonusb$ make
moonusb$ sudo make install
The example below lists the devices currently attached to the system.
Other examples can be found in the examples/ directory.
-- MoonUSB example: hello.lua
local usb = require("moonusb")
local ctx = usb.init()
local devices = ctx:get_device_list()
for i, dev in ipairs(devices) do
local descr = dev:get_device_descriptor()
local devhandle = dev:open()
print(string.format("USB %s - bus:%d port:%d %.4x:%.4x %s %s (%s)",
descr.usb_version, dev:get_bus_number(), dev:get_port_number(),
descr.vendor_id, descr.product_id,
devhandle:get_string_descriptor(descr.manufacturer_index) or "???",
devhandle:get_string_descriptor(descr.product_index) or "???",
The script can be executed at the shell prompt with the standard Lua interpreter:
$ lua hello.lua