client-side HTML table filtering
version 1.10.7
requires jQuery 1.2.6+
[email protected], aquaone on Freenode
copyright (c) 2009 Stephen Menton
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
much code recycled from TableSorter ( Thank you to ChristianBach, nlogax, cohitre, and the rest of #jQuery
tablefilter adds filtering capability to a static HTML table.
tablefilter will deterministically identify which filter to use for each column in your table (assuming your data is well formatted). You can also explicitly define which filter to use.
Some filter types will never be detected by default and must be explicitly chosen. e.g.
- regex: filters based on regular expressions
- select: creates a instead of an
creates a simple tablefilter interface
$('table').tablefilter({ headers: { 3: { filter: false }}});
allows filtering all columns except column 3
$('table').tablefilter({ headers: { 1: { filter: 'numeric' }}});
uses the numeric comparison filter for column 1
$('table').tablefilter({ headers: { 1: { filter: 'regex', caseSensitive: true }}});
uses case-senstive regex filter for column 1
$('table').tablefilter({ headers: { 1: { filter: 'select' }}});
uses a <select> of all unique values for column 1
$('table').tablefilter({ headers: { 1: { filter: 'select', options: [ 'Open', 'Closed' ] }}});
uses a <select> with 'Open' and 'Closed' for column 1
$('table').tablefilter({ widgets: ['zebra'] });
filters table with zebra striping
$('table').tablefilter({ tooltips: false });
filters table without tooltips
trClass: the class assigned to the appended
timerWait: # of ms to wait before applying filters
widgetsZebra: property/array of classes used for zebra widget