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How to get the premium version

Being a sponsor of my github will give you access to the private premium repo and ft-discord repo. You have to choose monthly payment instead of one-time payment. Choosing monthly payment will give you access to the repo, while choosing one-time payment won't. Don't ask me why, it's how github sponsor is right now

What's available on premium version

  • Ability to filter chart based of date
  • Open Trade table update in background automatically every 1 minute
  • Performance Summary table and profit chart update in background automatically every 5 minute

How to install

Initial setup

Skip this step if you think you have done them previously

Setup the dashboard

  1. Clone this project sudo git clone

  2. Copy the bots.json.example into bots.json and put the talscale ip, username, and password for all the bots cp bots.json.example bots.json

  3. Run id to get the uid and gid to be used in the next step

  4. Copy the .env.example into .env and put change relevant info (especially uid and gid) cp .env.example .env

Docker installation

docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm php composer install
docker-compose up -d


  1. Install some required libraries through composer composer install

  2. Setup cronjob to fetch the data from APIs regularly crontab -e */10 * * * * /usr/bin/php <address to the folder>/scripts/fetch_data.php The command above will fetch the data every 10 minutes. Change it to suit your preference.

  3. Customize the page yourself to suit your preference, or you can just use it as it is.


  • Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint ft-dashboard-nginx-1 (5715ad4646ad5d120e65509981a1c790b0a7c98eded19a3f6752d759ae9c67e2): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use Means port 80 is being used right now. Try sudo lsof -i:80 to see which services using port 80. Tailscale will be one of them, but see whether apache2 is active as well. If it does and you still want to use the docker route (which will use nginx), either stop or remove apache2.

Available configurations

This settings can be set via .env file


How often the dashboard fetch data from freqtrade bots. Default is 10


Whether API endpoints being enabled or not. Default is false


Whether debug mode being enabled or not. Default is false


Whether the profit chart's first point start from zero point. Default is false


How many closed trades required before a strategy's profit being plotted in the chart. Default is 2


Instead as using strategy's class name, use bot_name as index in databae


How many latest closed trades are shown for each bot. -1 means all closed trades are shown.

API Endpoints

By default, the API isn't enabled. You can activate API endpoints by setting API=true in your .env file. The supported responses for now are strategy for the strategy class name, strategy_version for the strategy version, profit for performance summary, trades for closed trades, status for open trades, and chart_profit_data for the data needed to plot the profit chart. The link to access the api is http://<your ip or domain>/api.php?response=status&bot_id=<bot_id> Note that bot_id start from 1, and it follow the order of your input inside bots.json


There are several scripts that are used to debug several aspects of the dashboard. To use it, you need to set DEBUG=true in your .env file. The debug scripts are located at /public/debug folder.


When you enable this, this means anyone can access those scripts as well. While the scripts won't be able to alter the dashboard, it can be subjected to some DDoS attacks. It's advisable to only enable this mode when you need it, and turn it off after you are done.

How to update

git pull followed by


docker-compose down
docker-compose run --rm php composer update
docker-compose up -d --build


composer update


Affiliate Links



  • BTC: 1FghqtgGLpD9F21BNDMje4iyj4cSzVPZPb
  • ERC20 : 0x1b7b65e64f3d944d29ba025c3ad0bb9389492370
  • TRC20 : TDqRvLXwbkCkBrhdsCm7aDNhfzeJqLRr94
  • BEP20 : 0x1b7b65e64f3d944d29ba025c3ad0bb9389492370


Unofficial read-only dashboard for Freqtrade bots







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