This repository is a Lending Protocol Template for WASM contracts using ink!.
Name | Version |
rustc | 1.70.0 |
cargo-contract | 3.0.1 |
swanky-node | 1.6.0-e5e6b8f914b |
node | 20.2.0 |
yarn | 1.22.19 |
We detail a few of the contracts in this repository.
Pool is the core of the lending protocol. The contract manages the assets of the user and the assets of the protocol.
- The pool contains the core logic of the pool itself and public interfaces for P2P22[] tokens respectively.
- Each pool is assigned an interest rate and risk model (see DefaultInterestRateModel and Controller sections).
- The pool is also responsible for the transfer of assets between the user and the protocol.
- It allows accounts to deposit, borrow and repay assets.
The Controller manages the risk of the protocol. It is responsible for followings
- the risk model of the protocol and each pool
- the management of the borrow_cap of each pool
- the management of the paused state of the protocol
The DefaultInterestRateModel contract manages the interest rate of the protocol.
The interest rate model is based on the Compound V2 interest rate model.
The Manager manages the protocol configurations.
It is responsible for the management of configurations of the controller and the pools.
The PriceOracle contract manages the price of the assets.
It is responsible for the management of the price of each asset.
Wrapped ETH Gateway allows users to deposit, withdraw, borrow and repay using Native Token. It interacts with Native Token pool and Wrapped Token.
A user can use liquidity in Starlay’s pools to use in another place in the same transaction, as long as the borrowed amount is returned before the end of the transaction.
Here, we will provide an explanation of the templates constructed in this repository.
- Based on the code of Compound on Ethereum.
- using the following as the core libraries for the contracts in this template.
- openbrush
- framework for ink! development (equivalent to OpenZeppelin in Ethereum)
- primitive-types
- primitive types shared by Substrate and Parity Ethereum
- U256 and others commonly used in Ethereum and its encoding/decoding
- primitive types shared by Substrate and Parity Ethereum
- openbrush
|--- contracts: ... Smart contract definitions
|--- logics: ... Components that compose the smart contracts
| |- impls: ... State / logic implementations
| L- traits: ... Interfaces
|--- scripts: ... Utilities for offchain activities (deploy, e2e etc)
L--- tests: ... End-to-end tests
The implementation is based on the interface of Compound V2. It includes several customizations, and we will provide a brief overview of them.
- Pool’s decimals is equal to the underlying
- In Compound, the decimals of cToken are uniformly set to 8
- Affects due to this change
- the number of significant digits used when calculating liquidity is 18
- This is because the minimum unit of the amount varies for each Pool
- the number of significant digits used when calculating liquidity is 18
- balance_of
- return the value converted to the quantity in underlying
- interest_rate_model
The liquidation threshold is the percentage at which a position is defined as undercollateralized. The delta between the LTV and the Liquidation Threshold is a safety mechanism in place for borrowers. For more detail, please look at here
- A user can configure whether his/her asset to use as collateral or not
- If he/she configures an asset not to use as collateral, the asset is excluded from collateral amount calculation and liquidation target
- Events
- We have implemented events that mainly focus on operations that use assets
- such as mint, redeem, repay, and borrow
- The interface for triggering events is in compliance with Compound standards, so users can add events as they like.
- We have implemented events that mainly focus on operations that use assets
- Permission
- We use Role Based Access Control implemented with OpenBrush's access_control
- The defined/used roles are as follows:
- DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE: management of the manager itself
- CONTROLLER_ADMIN: management of the controller
- TOKEN_ADMIN: management of the pool
- BORROW_CAP_GUARDIAN: operator of the controller's borrow_cap
- PAUSE_GUARDIAN: operator of the controller's paused state operation
To run starlay-protocol-wasm, pull the repository from GitHub and install the dependencies.
git clone
cd starlay-protocol-wasm
cargo build
To run the unit tests, run the following command:
cargo test
Before running the tests, you need to run the local node and deploy the
swanky node start
To run the end-to-end tests, run the following command:
yarn test
To deploy the contracts to a local node, run the following command:
yarn deploy:local
To deploy the contracts to the Astar Testnet(Shibuya), run the following command:
yarn deploy:shibuya
If you want to execute Flash Loan, your contract should implement the trait below.
use ink::prelude::vec::Vec;
use openbrush::traits::{
pub type FlashloanReceiverRef = dyn FlashloanReceiver;
pub trait FlashloanReceiver {
/// Run FlashLoan action
fn execute_operation(
assets: Vec<AccountId>,
amounts: Vec<Balance>,
premiums: Vec<Balance>,
initiator: AccountId,
params: Vec<u8>,
) -> bool;
This is the basic implementation of FlashloanReceiver Trait.
use ink::prelude::vec::Vec;
use openbrush::{
pub use crate::traits::flashloan_receiver::*;
pub const STORAGE_KEY: u32 = openbrush::storage_unique_key!(Data);
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Data {
/// AccountId of Flashloan Gateway
pub flashloan_gateway: Option<AccountId>,
/// For mock only: Set flashloan execution as success or fail
pub fail_execution: bool,
pub trait Internal {
fn _initialize(&mut self, flashloan_gateway: AccountId);
fn _set_fail_execution_transfer(&mut self, fail: bool);
fn _fail_execution_transfer(&self) -> bool;
impl<T: Storage<Data>> Internal for T {
default fn _initialize(&mut self, flashloan_gateway: AccountId) { = Some(flashloan_gateway);
default fn _set_fail_execution_transfer(&mut self, fail: bool) { = fail;
default fn _fail_execution_transfer(&self) -> bool {
impl<T: Storage<Data>> FlashloanReceiver for T {
default fn execute_operation(
assets: Vec<AccountId>,
amounts: Vec<Balance>,
premiums: Vec<Balance>,
initiator: AccountId,
_params: Vec<u8>,
) -> bool {
if self._fail_execution_transfer() {
return false
let contract_addr = Self::env().account_id();
let gateway =;
if gateway.is_none() {
return false
let _gateway = gateway.unwrap();
for index in 0..assets.len() {
let current_asset = assets[index];
let transfer_result = PSP22Ref::transfer_from(
if transfer_result.is_err() {
return false
let balance = PSP22Ref::balance_of(¤t_asset, contract_addr);
let amount_to_return = amounts[index] + premiums[index];
if balance < amount_to_return {
return false
let approve_result = PSP22Ref::approve(¤t_asset, _gateway, amount_to_return);
if approve_result.is_err() {
return false
This is the basic contract definition of FlashloanReceiver contract.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std, no_main)]
pub mod contract {
use logics::impls::flashloan_receiver::{
use openbrush::traits::Storage;
#[derive(Default, Storage)]
pub struct FlashloanReceiverContract {
receiver: Data,
impl Internal for FlashloanReceiverContract {}
impl FlashloanReceiver for FlashloanReceiverContract {}
impl FlashloanReceiverContract {
pub fn new(flashloan_gateway: AccountId) -> Self {
let mut _instance = Self::default();
pub fn set_fail_execution_transfer(&mut self, fail: bool) {
pub fn fail_execution_transfer(&self) -> bool {
contract, which is provided by Starlay Finance, has the function to do Flash Loan.