Don't forget to hit the star if it's interesting! ⭐
- C (libuv)
- Rust (Hyper)
- Go
- Bun
- Node
- PHP (Development Server)
- Python (flask, gunicorn)
Results for MacBook Air M1 8 GB
# Install dependencies (macOS)
brew install make go rust libuv bun node php
# Prepare virtual env
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# clean, build and run all
# view results
open ./docs/index.html
python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install psutil
pip freeze > requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
node main.js # or any
./ <PID>
htop --pid <PID>
# available commands
make clean # clean all
make clean-go
make clean-python
make clean-rust
make clean-c_libuv
make clean-results
make build # build all
make build-go
make build-python
make build-rust
make build-c_libuv
make run # run all
make run-bun
make run-go
make run-node
make run-php
make run-python
make run-rust
make run-c_libuv
Simply for fun and education!
Inspired by Anton Putra's tutorials
This project can definitely be improved, and your ideas are welcome! Feel free to share them, open an issue, or just give the project a star. ⭐