A Python package to calculate epidemiological weeks using US CDC (MMWR) and WHO (ISO) calculation methods.
- Support for both US CDC (MMWR) and WHO (ISO) calculation methods.
- Accurate and reliable calculation.
- Fully tested against multiple original references.
- Calculation of start and end dates of week.
- Iteration of year's weeks or week's dates.
- Rich comparison between weeks.
- Logical operations for weeks (addition, subtraction and containment).
- Validation of input data.
- ...and more.
Please visit https://www.dralshehri.com/epi-weeks to try the calculation function of this package as a simple usage example.
$ pip install epiweeks
Please see https://epiweeks.readthedocs.io for full documentation of this package, including usage examples and API reference.
This package is distributed under an MIT licence. See LICENSE.rst