Generate a file from a release.yml file
Required The semantic version number of the current release.
Required The path to the release.yml
file to parse. Default ./release.yml
Required The path to the
file to write the output to. Default ./
Was the acction successful or not?
- uses: ssgglobal/[email protected]
version: '1.0.0'
release: './release.yml'
markdown: './'
# Getting the version from a file and setting it in a var
- name: Get Release Version
run: echo ::set-env name=REL_VERSION::$(cat ./version)
- uses: ssgglobal/[email protected]
version: ${{ env.REL_VERSION }}
release: './release.yml'
markdown: './'
The YAML Release file must be formatted as follows.
- version: 1.0.0 # Semantic Version number.
name: 'Release Name' # Optional.
- issue: '123' # Issue management ref number. Optional.
type: 'feat' # Type of issue (feat, bug, hotfix, etc). Optional.
author: '@octocat' # The github username for the author of this commit. Optional.
description: A description of the commit # Required.
- version: 1.0.1 # Semantic Version number.
name: 'Release Name' # Optional.
- issue: '123' # Issue management ref number. Optional.
type: 'feat' # Type of issue (feat, bug, hotfix, etc). Optional.
author: '@octocat' # The github username for the author of this commit. Optional.
description: A description of the commit # Required.
This will produce a markdown file like.
# v1.0.0 (My Awesome Release)
## Changelog
| # | Feature | Completed By |
| 123 | **feat:** This feature is totally awesome! | @dsebot |
| 124 | **bug:** My bad. | @dsebot |