Dyniso solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a box with the intent of simulating the decay of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence.
For more information see Dyniso wiki.
Assuming a Linux system with the Intel compilers in your path
and a threaded FFTW 2.1.5 available at: $(HOME)/local/fftw-thread
simply do:
cd src
make opt
Note, if your compilers are not available using different names you may need to explicitly tell make where to find them, such as:
env CC=gcc-9 FC=gfortran-9 make opt
Dyniso has not been updated yet to work with FFTW3.
To execute dyniso, you redirect a namelist input file, such as:
./dyniso.exe < test.inp
to select the number of OpenMP threads, do:
env OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./dyniso.exe < test.inp
The code will output a number of files including:
- Time statistics in
- Spectra at selected timesteps in
- Plot3d visualization files in
- Use Paraview to visuzlize Plot3d files
- The Plot3d files are in Fortran unformated (not C-binary)
- Performance is highly dependant on the FFT library used.
If using FFTW v2 you should read:
FFTW Documentation - Note that FFTW must be build with
--enable-threads and --with-openmp
- Dyniso does not work with FFTW v3, yet...
S. Scott Collis
[email protected]