A simple, human-readable query language implementation for being able to filter for specific JavaScript/JSON objects in an array.
My main motivation was to create a JQL-like query language for JSON objects which I can use to define complex criterias for generating smart music playlist from my music library.
My plan was to enable filtering and testing JSON objects (as music metadata) against queries that are able to check for more than one criteria in metadata object.
npm i intuitive-json-query-language
const ijql = require('intuitive-json-query-language');
const musicMetadata = [
// to filter elements of an array for a query
const matchingElements = ijql.filter(
'artist IS Bruno Mars AND comments INCLUDES favorite'
// to check an object against a query (if you might save on iterations)
const isMatching = ijql.testElementAgainstQuery(
'albumArtist IS Phil Collins AND (comments INCLUDES energic OR comments INCLUDES party)'
Filter those elements from the elements
array which are matching to the query.
is an array of Objectsquery
is a string containing a query detailed below
Returns: an array which is subset of the elements
Check complience of the object in element
with the query.
object to check against queryquery
is a string containing a query detailed below
Returns: true / false
<propertyPathOnTestedObject> <operator> <lookupValue>
- propertyPathOnTestedObject is a string and can describe a deep path on the object
- operator: see below the list of operators
- lookUp value is what we need equality/containment etc.
For example:
name: {
fistName: 'Peter'
name.firstName IS Peter
IJQL supports any levels of logical grouping, like (by shortening conditions into single letter)
a OR (b AND (c OR d) AND e) AND f
OR is always evaluated later than a same-level AND oeprator.
IMPORTANT: Space is always needed around operators!
- logical AND - only true if all operands are trueOR
- logical OR - only false if all operands are falseNOT INCLUDES
- check if an array or a string NOT contains the look-up value on its rightINCLUDES
- check if an array or a string NOT contains the look-up value on its rightIS
- check if the value on the property path strict equals to the look-up value on its rightIS NOT
- check if the value on the property path not strictly equals to the look-up value on its right<
- check if the value on the property path is less than the given look-up value>
- check if the value on the property path is greater than the given look-up value