uses redis as a Clojure/Ring's HTTP session
storage engine. What makes it different is its support for
hierarchical data, actually any print-strable clojure data.
The reason I wrote clj-redis-session
is that the only redis-backed
sesssion store I could find,, doesn't
support hierarchical data structures, e.g. lists, maps.
[clj-redis-session "0.0.2"]
to :dependencies
in your project.clj
is a drop-in replacement for Ring native stores:
(ns hello
(:use [clj-redis-session.core :only [redis-store]]
[clj-redis.client :only [redis])
(def store (redis/init {:url "redis://"}))
(def app
(-> ....
... other middlewares ...
(wrap-session {:store (redis-store store)})
Copyright (C) 2011 Wu Zhe [email protected]
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.