This application is built solely for educational purposes.
I do not own any of the content displayed or provided within the app. All content is fetched from third-party websites. Use responsibly.
This app allows users to:
- New Provided support as an Add-on for popular content streaming app Stremio
- Search for regional movies and foreign 🎥
- Stream movies directly, hassle-free ✅
- Download movies without ads, redirects, or spam 🔽
- No Ads
- No Misleading Redirects
- No Spam or Shady Cookies 🍪
- Created a Python Add-on for popular content streaming app Streamio. Now stream all your favorite regional movies with the beautiful and seamless app on ur Phone, TV and PC
- Created Python Classes domains for universal usage instead of just functions.
- Added a Mongodb Server for backned to keep track of frequent changing doamins.
- Added Support to Regional and Foreign movies as well.
- Added Torrent support both downloading and streaming.
- Expanded Search library with content from 7 domains for both torrent and direct results.
Added 2 new domains totalling of 4 rather than 2.Tamil movies only (as of V1).2 Domains to fetch movies.- Bug reports and feature suggestions are welcome!
- Added a new contributer Yogesh who will be responsible for frontend of the addon and creating a public community link for streamio. Community link would be up here soon!!!
- Use Ai to streamlining the workflow and automation.
Note: This can be done rightway and easier to impliment as well with less code but the issues right now is the LLM would be fed with the entire HTML page with each costing upto ~5-10k tokens for a single which is huge. All tools like
operates similarly. **I don't have the bandwidth for that much LLM tokens and also scrapping these domains weren't that complicated so As of now sticking to algorithms only. Maybe in future versions i'll incoporate it. - Improve the Ui with featured movies, latest movies etc.
Support for more languages and domains in future updates.- Ongoing fixes for reported bugs and enhancements.
Many of the bugs have been cleared.
This is Version 1 of the app, so bugs might exist.
Feel free to raise an issue if you encounter any problems.
If you'd like to contribute or provide feedback, raise an issue or submit suggestions.