Functions that operate on slices. Similar to functions from package strings
or package bytes
that have been adapted to work with slices.
- Using a thin layer of idiomatic Go; correctness over performance.
- Provide most basic slice operations: index, trim, filter, map
- Some PHP favorites like: pop, push, shift, unshift, shuffle, etc...
- Non-destructive returns (won't alter original slice), except for explicit tasks.
Install using "go get":
go get
Then import from your source:
import ""
View example_test.go for examples of basic usage and features.
The full code documentation is located at GoDoc:
This is a en example showing basic usage.
package main
func main() {
str := `Don't communicate by sharing memory - share memory by communicating`
// Split string by spaces into a slice.
slc := strings.Split(str, " ")
// Count the number of "memory" strings in slc.
memories := slices.Count(slc, "memory")
fmt.Println("Memories:", memories)
// Split slice into two parts.
parts := slices.Split(slc, "-")
fmt.Println("Split:", parts, len(parts))
// Compare second parts slice with original slc.
diff := slices.Diff(slc, parts[1])
fmt.Println("Diff:", diff)
// Chunk the slice
chunks := slices.Chunk(parts[0], 1)
fmt.Println("Chunk:", chunks)
// Merge the parts
merge := slices.Merge(chunks...)
fmt.Println("Merge:", merge)