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Releases: srescio/hellosplash

Splash screen images aspect ratio fixed with XML bitmap

04 May 01:06
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Splash screen images aspect ratio fixed with XML bitmap,
updated config.xml to point the .xml bitmap files,
updated CSS to match the new image size

Splashscreen from color to image fade out

04 May 00:08
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Added native custom theme to change color of application window,
splashscreen image cover the activity window,
the HTML has a stand in element that replicates the splash screen image,
javascript document.ready and time out callback hide the real splash screen and fades out the html replica

Splashscreen set up as per docs

03 May 20:00
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Modified config.xml in the root of the project with splashscreen path and duration,
added drawable png resources

PhoneGap default demo contents

03 May 17:04
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PhoneGap default demo contents, useful to note the exact changes needed to obtain a working splashscreen by tags diff