This is the README file for the GAP package "WeylModules". You must have a working copy of GAP installed in order to use this package.
The package provides functions for doing computations with Weyl modules in positive characteristic for a simple simply-connected algebraic group.
For updates between releases check the package Web page, at
After downloading the package, start GAP and then run the following two commands to load the package:
gap> SetPackagePath("WeylModules","path/to/your/copy/of/package");
gap> LoadPackage("WeylModules");
For further details, please see Chapter 76 of the GAP Manual.
The manual for the WeylModules package can be generated in the doc
subdirectory by running the command
$ gap makedoc.g
from the download folder. Then look for doc/manual.pdf
or doc/chap0.html
(depending on your formatting preference).