Client for integrating to Sitoo
PHP 7.4 and later. Should also work with PHP 8.0.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"spysystem/sitoo-client": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
$config = Spy\SitooClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()
$apiInstance = new Spy\SitooClient\Api\CashRegistersApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$siteid = 56; // int
$registerid = 'registerid_example'; // string
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getCashRegister($siteid, $registerid);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling CashRegistersApi->getCashRegister: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CashRegistersApi | getCashRegister | GET /sites/{siteid}/cashregisters/{registerid}.json | |
CashRegistersApi | getCashRegisters | GET /sites/{siteid}/cashregisters.json | |
CashRegistersApi | getZReport | GET /sites/{siteid}/cashregisters/{registerid}/zreports/{zreportid}.json | |
CashRegistersApi | getZReports | GET /sites/{siteid}/cashregisters/{registerid}/zreports.json | |
CategoriesApi | addCategory | POST /sites/{siteid}/categories.json | |
CategoriesApi | deleteCategory | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/categories/{categoryid}.json | |
CategoriesApi | getCategories | GET /sites/{siteid}/categories.json | |
CategoriesApi | getCategory | GET /sites/{siteid}/categories/{categoryid}.json | |
CategoriesApi | updateCategory | PUT /sites/{siteid}/categories/{categoryid}.json | |
CustomMetricsAPIApi | addCustomMetric | POST /custom_metrics.json | |
CustomMetricsAPIApi | deleteCustomMetric | DELETE /custom_metrics/{key}.json | |
CustomMetricsAPIApi | deleteCustomMetricValues | DELETE /custom_metric_values/{key}.json | |
CustomMetricsAPIApi | getCustomMetricValues | GET /custom_metric_values.json | |
CustomMetricsAPIApi | getCustomMetrics | GET /custom_metrics.json | |
CustomMetricsAPIApi | updateCustomMetricValues | PUT /custom_metric_values.json | |
GiftCardsApi | addGiftCard | POST /sites/{siteid}/giftcards.json | |
GiftCardsApi | addGiftCardTransaction | POST /sites/{siteid}/giftcards/{cardnumber}/transactions.json | |
GiftCardsApi | deleteGiftCardTransactions | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/giftcards/{cardnumber}/transactions.json | |
GiftCardsApi | getGiftCard | GET /sites/{siteid}/giftcards/{cardnumber}.json | |
InfluencerCodesApi | batchAddInfluencerCodes | POST /sites/{siteid}/influencercodes.json | |
InfluencerCodesApi | batchDeleteInfluencerCodes | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/influencercodes.json | |
InfluencerCodesApi | batchUpdateInfluencerCodes | PUT /sites/{siteid}/influencercodes.json | |
InfluencerCodesApi | getInfluencerCode | GET /sites/{siteid}/influencercodes/{code}.json | |
InfluencerCodesApi | getInfluencerCodes | GET /sites/{siteid}/influencercodes.json | |
InfluencerVouchersApi | addInfluencerVoucherTransaction | POST /sites/{siteid}/influencervouchers/{influencercode}/transactions.json | |
InfluencerVouchersApi | deleteInfluencerVoucherTransaction | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/influencervouchers/{influencercode}/transactions/{transactionid}.json | |
InfluencerVouchersApi | getInfluencerVoucher | GET /sites/{siteid}/influencervouchers/{influencercode}.json | |
ManufacturersApi | batchAddManufacturers | POST /sites/{siteid}/manufacturers.json | |
ManufacturersApi | batchDeleteManufacturers | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/manufacturers.json | |
ManufacturersApi | batchUpdateManufacturers | PUT /sites/{siteid}/manufacturers.json | |
ManufacturersApi | deleteManufacturer | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/manufacturers/{externalcompanyid}.json | |
ManufacturersApi | getManufacturer | GET /sites/{siteid}/manufacturers/{externalcompanyid}.json | |
ManufacturersApi | getManufacturers | GET /sites/{siteid}/manufacturers.json | |
ManufacturersApi | updateManufacturer | PUT /sites/{siteid}/manufacturers/{externalcompanyid}.json | |
OrdersApi | addOrder | POST /sites/{siteid}/orders.json | |
OrdersApi | addOrderDelivery | POST /sites/{siteid}/orders/{orderid}/orderdeliveries.json | |
OrdersApi | addOrderLogItem | POST /sites/{siteid}/orders/{orderid}/orderlogitems.json | |
OrdersApi | getAllOrders | GET /orders.json | |
OrdersApi | getOrder | GET /sites/{siteid}/orders/{orderid}.json | |
OrdersApi | getOrderDeliveries | GET /sites/{siteid}/orders/{orderid}/orderdeliveries.json | |
OrdersApi | getOrderLogItems | GET /sites/{siteid}/orders/{orderid}/orderlogitems.json | |
OrdersApi | getOrders | GET /sites/{siteid}/orders.json | |
OrdersApi | updateOrder | PUT /sites/{siteid}/orders/{orderid}.json | |
PriceListsApi | addPriceList | POST /sites/{siteid}/pricelists.json | |
PriceListsApi | batchDeletePriceListItems | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/pricelists/{pricelistid}/pricelistitems.json | |
PriceListsApi | batchSetPriceListItems | PUT /sites/{siteid}/pricelists/{pricelistid}/pricelistitems.json | |
PriceListsApi | deletePriceList | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/pricelists/{pricelistid}.json | |
PriceListsApi | getPriceList | GET /sites/{siteid}/pricelists/{pricelistid}.json | |
PriceListsApi | getPriceLists | GET /sites/{siteid}/pricelists.json | |
PriceListsApi | getPriceListsItems | GET /sites/{siteid}/pricelists/{pricelistid}/pricelistitems.json | |
PriceListsApi | updatePriceList | PUT /sites/{siteid}/pricelists/{pricelistid}.json | |
ProductCustomAttributesApi | addCustomAttribute | POST /sites/{siteid}/customattributes.json | |
ProductCustomAttributesApi | deleteCustomAttribute | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/customattributes/{attributeid}.json | |
ProductCustomAttributesApi | getCustomAttribute | GET /sites/{siteid}/customattributes/{attributeid}.json | |
ProductCustomAttributesApi | getCustomAttributes | GET /sites/{siteid}/customattributes.json | |
ProductCustomAttributesApi | updateCustomAttribute | PUT /sites/{siteid}/customattributes/{attributeid}.json | |
ProductGroupsVATApi | addProductGroup | POST /sites/{siteid}/productgroups.json | |
ProductGroupsVATApi | deleteProductGroup | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/productgroups/{vatid}.json | |
ProductGroupsVATApi | getProductGroup | GET /sites/{siteid}/productgroups/{vatid}.json | |
ProductGroupsVATApi | getProductGroups | GET /sites/{siteid}/productgroups.json | |
ProductGroupsVATApi | updateProductGroup | PUT /sites/{siteid}/productgroups/{vatid}.json | |
ProductImagesAndFilesApi | addProductFile | POST /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/files.json | |
ProductImagesAndFilesApi | addProductImage | POST /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/images.json | |
ProductImagesAndFilesApi | deleteProductFile | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/files/{fileid}.json | |
ProductImagesAndFilesApi | deleteProductImage | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/images/{imageid}.json | |
ProductImagesAndFilesApi | getProductFile | GET /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/files/{fileid}.json | |
ProductImagesAndFilesApi | getProductFiles | GET /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/files.json | |
ProductImagesAndFilesApi | getProductImage | GET /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/images/{imageid}.json | |
ProductImagesAndFilesApi | getProductImages | GET /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/images.json | |
ProductVariantsApi | getProductVariants | GET /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/productvariants.json | |
ProductVariantsApi | setProductVariants | PUT /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}/productvariants.json | |
ProductsApi | batchAddProducts | POST /sites/{siteid}/products.json | |
ProductsApi | batchDeleteProducts | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/products.json | |
ProductsApi | batchUpdateProducts | PUT /sites/{siteid}/products.json | |
ProductsApi | deleteProduct | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}.json | |
ProductsApi | getProduct | GET /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}.json | |
ProductsApi | getProducts | GET /sites/{siteid}/products.json | |
ProductsApi | updateProduct | PUT /sites/{siteid}/products/{productid}.json | |
ReasonCodesApi | addReasonCode | POST /reasoncodes.json | |
ReasonCodesApi | deleteReasonCode | DELETE /reasoncodes/{reasoncodeid}.json | |
ReasonCodesApi | getReasonCode | GET /reasoncodes/{reasoncodeid}.json | |
ReasonCodesApi | getReasonCodes | GET /reasoncodes.json | |
ReasonCodesApi | updateReasonCode | PUT /reasoncodes/{reasoncodeid}.json | |
ResourcesApi | getResources | GET /sites/{siteid}/resources.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | addSalesTax | POST /sites/{siteid}/salestaxes.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | addSalesTaxGroup | POST /sites/{siteid}/salestaxgroups.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | deleteSalesTax | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/salestaxes/{salestaxid}.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | deleteSalesTaxGroup | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/salestaxgroups/{salestaxgroupid}.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | getSalesTax | GET /sites/{siteid}/salestaxes/{salestaxid}.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | getSalesTaxGroup | GET /sites/{siteid}/salestaxgroups/{salestaxgroupid}.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | getSalesTaxGroups | GET /sites/{siteid}/salestaxgroups.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | getSalesTaxes | GET /sites/{siteid}/salestaxes.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | updateSalesTax | PUT /sites/{siteid}/salestaxes/{salestaxid}.json | |
SalesTaxesApi | updateSalesTaxGroup | PUT /sites/{siteid}/salestaxgroups/{salestaxgroupid}.json | |
ServiceOrdersApi | addServiceOrder | POST /serviceorders.json | |
ServiceOrdersApi | getServiceOrder | GET /serviceorders/{service_order_id}.json | |
ServiceOrdersApi | getServiceOrders | GET /serviceorders.json | |
ServiceOrdersApi | updateServiceOrder | PUT /serviceorders/{service_order_id}.json | |
ShipmentsApi | addShipment | POST /shipments.json | |
ShipmentsApi | getShipment | GET /shipments/{shipmentid}.json | |
ShipmentsApi | getShipments | GET /shipments.json | |
ShipmentsApi | updateShipment | PUT /shipments/{shipmentid}.json | |
SitesApi | getSite | GET /sites/{siteid}.json | |
SitesApi | getSites | GET /sites.json | |
StoresApi | addStore | POST /sites/{siteid}/stores.json | |
StoresApi | deleteStore | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/stores/{storeid}.json | |
StoresApi | getStore | GET /sites/{siteid}/stores/{storeid}.json | |
StoresApi | getStores | GET /sites/{siteid}/stores.json | |
StoresApi | updateStore | PUT /sites/{siteid}/stores/{storeid}.json | |
UsersApi | batchAddUsers | POST /sites/{siteid}/users.json | |
UsersApi | batchUpdateUsers | PUT /sites/{siteid}/users.json | |
UsersApi | deleteUser | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/users/{userid}.json | |
UsersApi | getUser | GET /sites/{siteid}/users/{userid}.json | |
UsersApi | getUsers | GET /sites/{siteid}/users.json | |
UsersApi | updateUser | PUT /sites/{siteid}/users/{userid}.json | |
VouchersApi | addVoucher | POST /sites/{siteid}/vouchers.json | |
VouchersApi | deleteVoucher | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/vouchers/{voucherid}.json | |
VouchersApi | getVoucher | GET /sites/{siteid}/vouchers/{voucherid}.json | |
VouchersApi | getVouchers | GET /sites/{siteid}/vouchers.json | |
VouchersApi | updateVoucher | PUT /sites/{siteid}/vouchers/{voucherid}.json | |
WarehouseBatchesApi | addWarehouseBatch | POST /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousebatches.json | |
WarehouseBatchesApi | batchDeleteWarehouseBatchItems | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousebatches/{warehousebatchid}/warehousebatchitems.json | |
WarehouseBatchesApi | batchSetWarehouseBatchItems | PUT /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousebatches/{warehousebatchid}/warehousebatchitems.json | |
WarehouseBatchesApi | getWarehouseBatch | GET /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousebatches/{warehousebatchid}.json | |
WarehouseBatchesApi | getWarehouseBatchItems | GET /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousebatches/{warehousebatchid}/warehousebatchitems.json | |
WarehouseBatchesApi | getWarehouseBatches | GET /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousebatches.json | |
WarehouseBatchesApi | updateWarehouseBatch | PUT /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousebatches/{warehousebatchid}.json | |
WarehouseTransactionsApi | batchAddWarehouseTransactions | POST /sites/{siteid}/warehousetransactions.json | |
WarehouseTransactionsApi | getAllWarehouseTransactions | GET /sites/{siteid}/warehousetransactions.json | |
WarehouseTransactionsApi | getWarehouseTransaction | GET /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousetransactions/{warehousetransactionid}.json | |
WarehouseTransactionsApi | getWarehouseTransactions | GET /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehousetransactions.json | |
WarehousesApi | addWarehouse | POST /sites/{siteid}/warehouses.json | |
WarehousesApi | batchSetWarehouseItems | PUT /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehouseitems.json | |
WarehousesApi | deleteWarehouse | DELETE /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}.json | |
WarehousesApi | getWarehouse | GET /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}.json | |
WarehousesApi | getWarehouseItems | GET /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}/warehouseitems.json | |
WarehousesApi | getWarehouses | GET /sites/{siteid}/warehouses.json | |
WarehousesApi | updateWarehouse | PUT /sites/{siteid}/warehouses/{warehouseid}.json |
- BatchResponse
- CategoryRead
- CategoryWrite
- CustomAttributeWrite
- CustomMetricRead
- CustomMetricValueRead
- CustomMetricValueValueSeriesRead
- CustomMetricValueValueSeriesSeriesRead
- CustomMetricValueValueSeriesSeriesWrite
- CustomMetricValueValueSeriesWrite
- CustomMetricValueWrite
- CustomMetricWrite
- GetAllOrdersResponse
- GetAllWarehouseTransactionsResponse
- GetCashRegistersResponse
- GetCategoriesResponse
- GetInfluencerCodesResponse
- GetManufacturersResponse
- GetOrderDeliveriesResponse
- GetOrderLogItemsResponse
- GetOrdersResponse
- GetPriceListsItemsResponse
- GetPriceListsResponse
- GetProductFilesResponse
- GetProductGroupsResponse
- GetProductImagesResponse
- GetProductsResponse
- GetReasonCodesResponse
- GetResourcesResponse
- GetSalesTaxGroupsResponse
- GetSalesTaxesResponse
- GetShipmentsResponse
- GetSitesResponse
- GetStoresResponse
- GetUsersResponse
- GetVouchersResponse
- GetWarehouseBatchItemsResponse
- GetWarehouseBatchesResponse
- GetWarehouseItemsResponse
- GetWarehouseTransactionsResponse
- GetWarehousesResponse
- GetZReportsResponse
- GiftcardRead
- GiftcardWrite
- GiftcardresponseRead
- GiftcardresponseWrite
- GiftcardtransactionRead
- GiftcardtransactionWrite
- InfluencercodeRead
- InfluencercodeWrite
- InfluencervoucherRead
- InfluencervouchertransactionWrite
- InfluencervouchertransactionresponseRead
- ManufacturerRead
- ManufacturerWrite
- OrderAdditionaldataRead
- OrderAdditionaldataWrite
- OrderRead
- OrderWrite
- OrderdeliveryRead
- OrderdeliveryWrite
- OrderdeliveryitemRead
- OrderdeliveryitemWrite
- OrderitemAdditionaldataRead
- OrderitemAdditionaldataWrite
- OrderitemRead
- OrderitemWrite
- OrderitemsalestaxRead
- OrderitemsalestaxWrite
- OrderlogitemRead
- OrderlogitemWrite
- OrderpaymentAdditionaldataRead
- OrderpaymentAdditionaldataWrite
- OrderpaymentRead
- OrderpaymentWrite
- OrderreservedpaymentRead
- OrderreservedpaymentWrite
- PosregisterRead
- PoszreportRead
- PoszreportdiscountRead
- PoszreportpaymentRead
- PoszreportproductgroupRead
- PoszreportsalestaxRead
- PoszreportsubpaymentRead
- PoszreportvatgroupRead
- PricelistRead
- PricelistWrite
- PricelistitemRead
- PricelistitemWrite
- ProductRead
- ProductWrite
- ProductgroupRead
- ProductgroupWrite
- ProductvariantRead
- ProductvariantWrite
- ProductvariantgroupRead
- ProductvariantgroupWrite
- ProductvariantsRead
- ProductvariantsWrite
- ReasoncodeRead
- ReasoncodeWrite
- ResourceRead
- ResourceWrite
- SalestaxRead
- SalestaxWrite
- SalestaxgroupRead
- SalestaxgroupWrite
- SalestaxproductgroupruleRead
- SalestaxproductgroupruleWrite
- ServiceOrderAuthorWrite
- ServiceOrderCustomerWrite
- ServiceOrderOwnerWrite
- ServiceOrderProductServicesWrite
- ServiceOrderProductWrite
- ServiceOrderStoreWrite
- ServiceOrderWrite
- ShipmentRead
- ShipmentWrite
- ShipmentitemRead
- ShipmentitemWrite
- ShipmentpackageRead
- ShipmentpackageWrite
- SiteRead
- StoreRead
- StoreWrite
- UserRead
- UserWrite
- VolumepricelevelRead
- VolumepricelevelWrite
- VoucherRead
- VoucherWrite
- VoucherdiscountoptionRead
- VoucherdiscountoptionWrite
- VoucherproductoptionRead
- VoucherproductoptionWrite
- WarehouseRead
- WarehouseWrite
- WarehousebatchRead
- WarehousebatchWrite
- WarehousebatchitemRead
- WarehousebatchitemWrite
- WarehouseitemRead
- WarehouseitemWrite
- WarehouseitemlogRead
- WarehouseitemlogWrite
- WarehousetransactionRead
- WarehousetransactionWrite
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
To run the tests, use:
composer install
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Package version:
- Package version:
- Build package: