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Releases: spothero/UtilityBelt-iOS

0.13.0: UtilityBeltData Left the Nest

07 Oct 21:50
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Removed UtilityBeltData into a standalone project: CoreDataHero.

0.3.2: Added temporary Pod compatibility

21 Oct 17:54
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SPM can have multiple products whereas CocoaPods only allows a single product header. To fix this, I've set the module_name to UtilityBeltNetworking for the time being.


15 Oct 21:47
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0.3.1 Pre-release
  • MockService.shared.hasStubs now inverts the check for stubbedData.isEmpty, returning the correct value.

0.3.0: SpotHero API Mocker... Sham!

14 Oct 18:29
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This release introduces the SpotHero API Mocker, or "Sham" for short. It allows us to stub various requests and responses for testing across our libraries. Currently, we use VOKMockUrlProtocol for this, but it does too much magic. There were other libraries like MockingJay out there in the wild, but they are not maintained well and the cost of implementation was very low, so bringing this in-house made sense.

This is just a proof of concept rollout for Sham for slow integration into SpotHeroAPI. Stay tuned.

0.2.0: HTTPClient and Swift 5.1

07 Oct 22:57
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  • Added HTTPClient, a proof of concept class for bringing all Networking-related functionality in-house.
  • Split up the UtilityBelt module in anticipation of having more modules in the project, starting with UtilityBeltNetworking.
  • Added lots of documentation through UtilityBeltNetworking.
  • Ensured Xcode 11 and Swift 5.1 support.

0.1.0: Networking

20 Sep 21:05
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  • Migrated Networking module from SpotHero-iOS.
  • Implemented Swift package structure with added Podspec for CocoaPods support.