A application to monitor Twitter for tweets, based on topics.
Application configuration is performed by the config.json file. The parameters that can be specified are the following:
twitter_authentication section: specifies the application Twitter authentication parameters. Note that you should have a Twitter application setup in order to retrieve the tokens required. Parameters are as follows:
- consumer_key: Twitter consumer key.
- consumer_secret: Twitter consumer secret.
- access_token: Twitter access token.
- access_token_secret: Twitter access token secret.
tweepy: parameters that govern the operation of the Tweepy library. Parameters are as follows:
- async: true / false, governs the operation of Tweepy in synchronous or asynchronous mode.
- wait_on_rate_limit: true / false, specifies whether the Tweepy library has a backoff threshold applied, when Twitter imposes rate limiting.
storage: this section contains all the parameters that govern the persistence of received data to different connectors. Connectors included are the following:
File storage: plain local filesystem connector with the following parameters:
- type: (string, required) file
- options.file_path: (string, required) The folder in which to store Tweet files. Note that the directory specified is created if it does not exist. Files have an auto-generated file name which is the timestamp at file creation.
- options.format: (string, required) File format. Currently supported JSON, CSV.
- enabled: (boolean, required) Controls whether this adapter is enabled.
Hadoop storage: a connector for storing Tweet files on Hadoop.
- type: (string, required) hadoop.
- enabled: (boolean, required) Controls whether this adapter is enabled.
Kafka storage: a connector for writing Tweets to a Kafka topic. Parameters include the following:
- type: (string, required) kafka
- options.endpoint.bootstrap.servers: (string, required) The Kafka endpoint server.
- options.endpoint.request.timeout.ms: (int, optional) connection request timeout (millis).
- options.endpoint.client.id: (string, optional) The Kafka client ID, usually "twitter-watchdog".
- options.endpoint.api.version.request: (boolean, required).
- options.endpoint.debug: (boolean, optional) Debug options for the Kafka connector.
- options.topic: (string, required) The Kafka topic to which to write data to.
- enabled: (boolean, required) controls whether this adapter is enabled.
Mongo DB storage:
- type: (string, required) mongodb.
- options.host: (string, required) Mongo DB host.
- options.port: (int, required) Mongo DB port.
- options.username: (string, required) Mongo DB application username. Note that the user must have been previously created in Mongo.
- options.password: (string, required) Mongo DB application password.
- options.auth_source: (string, optional) Mongo DB authentication source, usually "admin".
- options.auth_mechanism: (string, optional) Default is "SCRAM-SHA-256".
- options.db: (string, required) The database in which to store Tweets.
- options.collection: (string, required) The collection in which to store Tweets.
- enabled: (boolean, required) Controls whether this adapter is enabled.
languages: (null or array of strings, required) Tweet languages to watch for.
locality: (null or string, required) If locality is provided (e.g. "Athens"), the program retrieves the WOE ID (Where-On-Earth ID) of the location from the Yahoo! API which is subsequently used to retrieved tweets for the region specified.
topics: (null or array of strings, required) If an array of topics is provided, the program retrieves tweets pertaining to these topics. Otherwise, trending topic tweets are received.
debug: (boolean(boolean, required)) Controls whether to print debug information to stdout.
verbose: (boolean, required) Controls the verbosity level.
python -m unittest discover
python main.py -p <unix_process_name> -c <path_to_config>