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An spdx gradle plugin

This project currently produces valid sboms for the projects we've tested. If it does not work for your case, please let us know in a new issue we can handle new use cases.


Gradle Plugin Portal Gradle Plugin Portal

This plugin is published to Gradle Plugin Portal:

Local Development

You can build and deploy locally and then use in your project

Install into local maven

$ git clone [email protected]:spdx/spdx-gradle-plugin
$ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -Pskip.signing

Add mavenLocal as a plugin repository (settings.gradle.kts)

pluginManagement {
 repositories {

Basic Usage

Apply and configure the plugin

plugins {
  id("org.spdx.sbom") version "0.8.0"
// there is no default build, you *must* specify a target
spdxSbom {
  targets {
    // create a target named "release",
    // this is used for the task name (spdxSbomForRelease)
    // and output file (release.spdx.json)
    create("release") {
      // configure here

run sbom generation (use --stacktrace to report bugs)

./gradlew :spdxSbomForRelease
# or use the aggregate task spdxSbom to run all sbom tasks
# ./gradlew :spdxSbom

output in: build/spdx/release.spdx.json

Example output for the plugin run on this project is example.spdx.json


Tasks can be configured via the extension

spdxSbom {
  targets {
    // create a target named "release",
    // this is used for the task name (spdxSbomForRelease)
    // and output file (build/spdx/release.spdx.json)
    create("release") {
      // use a different configuration (or multiple configurations)

      // override the default output file

      // provide scm info (usually from your CI)
      scm {

      // adjust properties of the document
      document {
        name.set("my spdx document")
        namespace.set("<some UUID>")
        creator.set("Person:Goose Loosebazooka")
        supplier.set("Organization:loosebazooka industries")

        // add an uber package on the document between the document and the
        // root module of the project being analyzed, you probably don't need this
        // but it's available if you want to describe the artifact in a special way
        uberPackage {
          // you must set all or none of these
          supplier.set("Organization:loosebazooka industries")
    // optionally have multiple targets
    // create("another") {
    // }


  • Licensing and copyright is somewhat incomplete (works well for maven deps)
  • Output is always json

Experimental (do not use)

If you use these experimental features, they will change them whenever with no notification. They are to support very specific build usecases and are not for general consumption

use taskExtension to map downloadLocations if they are cached somewhere other than original location

tasks.withType<SpdxSbomTask> {
   taskExtension.set(object : SpdxSbomTaskExtension {
       override fun mapRepoUri(input: URI, moduleId: ModuleVersionIdentifier): URI {
           // ignore input and return duck
           return URI.create("")
       override fun mapScmForProject(original: ScmInfo, projectInfo: ProjectInfo): ScmInfo {
           // ignore provided scminfo (from extension) and project info (the project we are looking for scm info)
           return ScmInfo.from("", "my-sha-is-also-a-goose")
       override fun shouldCreatePackageForProject(projectInfo: ProjectInfo): Boolean {
           // return false to skip adding the project into SBOM if it doesn't represent an external dependency. All
           // dependencies of the skipped project will be analyzed and represented in the SBOM as dependencies of the
           // project's parent.
           return false

You can use the abstract class DefaultSpdxSbomTaskExtension if you don't want to implement all the methods of the interface SpdxSbomTaskExtension.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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