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Gatsby Starter: Prismic

A typography-heavy & light-themed Gatsby Starter which uses the Headless CMS Prismic.

Demo Website

Deploy to Netlify

About Me

I hope you like my starters and create something awesome! To see some of my work you can visit my website or support me on Patreon to get some neat rewards (4K images, project files, tutorial insights). Every pledge on Patreon helps me creating more free starters!

Also check out the other gatsby-starters:

Check out the Gatsby Starter Portfolio Overview!


Multiple features of Prismic are used in this starter:

  • Slices: Enrich your blogposts with custom quotes, images or codeblocks. You can order them how you like. When you used the Image-Slice the image will get inserted and optimized by gatsby-image
  • Labels: When marking a single word or a whole block with the given labels, Prism.js will transform these to syntax-highlighted codeblocks
  • Relationship fields: Categorize your blogposts in Categories via a relationship field. You can change categories on the fly
  • Both custom types (Single / Repeatable): (Nearly) Every aspect of the website is managed with Prismic. The social media links or the recent projects get both managed in Prismic, no hardcoded entries!

Therefore the starter has following features:

  • Prismic as Headless CMS
  • Emotion for styling
  • PrismJS highlighting
  • Responsive images (gatsby-image)
    • The right image size for every screen size
    • Traced SVG Loading (Lazy-Loading)
    • WebP Support
  • SEO
    • Sitemap
    • JSONLD
    • OpenGraph Tags
    • Twitter Tags
    • Favicons
  • Offline Support
  • WebApp Manifest Support
  • Typography.js
  • Absolute modules imports
  • Configurable
    • Use the website.js to easily change the most important information
    • Themeable with theme.js

Getting Started

Check your development environment! You'll need Node.js, the Gatsby CLI and node-gyp installed. The official Gatsby website also lists two articles regarding this topic:

To copy and install this starter run this command (with "project-name" being the name of your folder you wish to install it in):

gatsby new project-name
cd project-name


You have to know the basics of Prismic's interface in order to be able to make the necessary changes / setup your project accordingly. You can also checkout the document "Sourcing from Prismic" I wrote for the official Gatsby documentation.

Content types

If you want to use the exact same custom types and only want to get up and running, follow these steps:

  1. Setup an account on Prismic and go to your custom types
  2. Click the button "Create New" and choose "Repeatable Type". Give it the name Post (the API ID should be post automatically)
  3. On the right side you have a sidebar with Build mode and JSON editor. Open the JSON editor tab and insert the data from .prismic/post.json. Save your type

Follow the second and third step (with the respective file from .prismic) for the following types:

Name API ID Type
Category category Repeatable
Hero Links hero_links Single
Homepage homepage Single
Projects projects Single

These are the exact same content types I used for this starter.

API key

You need to define the API Key for your Prismic repository in gatsby-config.js (Video tutorial). You can retrieve the key here:

  • You can generate an access token in the API & Security section of your repository settings. Setting a Callback URL is not necessary.
  • The token will be listed under "Permanent access tokens".

It's best to store the API Key in an environment variable. Create the file .env.development in the root dir of your project. Its content should be:


If you deploy to Netlify you can also setup an environment variable.

More information on the source plugin: gatsby-source-prismic


Prismic gives you the tool called Label in the Rich Text field. You can wrap single words or complete text blocks with a label (they will have a yellow background when labeled). Normally this is just a <span> with a name, but the gatsby-config.js converts these marked words/blocks into code blocks with PrismJS classnames (and therefore syntax highlighting 🎉).

The two usecases:

  • You mark a single word / sentence and apply the text label: Inline code (single backtick in markdown)
  • You choose the Preformatted block (where can also choose the Headings) and apply any other (except text) label: Code block (three backticks in markdown)


The Post custom types offers four slices in the slice zone:

  • Code Block: This slice automatically inserts a Preformatted field in which you can paste your code. Before inserting you should choose a Label for the correct syntax highlighting
  • Quote: A quote in a blockquote
  • Text: Your normal Rich Text field
  • Image: This image won't be inlined with a Prismic URL, but downloaded and processed with gatsby-image


Before running the local development server you'll need to add Content to your Prismic site! Go to your documents ( and create content with the newly created types. Fill out the Homepage, Hero Links, and Projects single type. Create some categories and add at least one Post. Please note: You have to publish all these documents (not only saving them)!

After that you can run the local server:

npm run dev

Adding new features/plugins

You can add other features by having a look at the offical plugins page

Building your site

npm run build

Copy the content of the public folder to your webhost or use a website like Netlify which automates that for you.


You can configure your setup in config/website:

module.exports = {
  _pathPrefix: '/', // Prefix for all links. If you deploy your site to your pathPrefix should be "portfolio"
  _title: 'Gatsby Starter -', // Navigation and Site Title
  _titleAlt: 'Prismic Starter', // Title for JSONLD
  description: 'A bright single-page portfolio starter with big typography & images for Gatsby.',
  _url: '', // Domain of your site. No trailing slash!
  siteLanguage: 'en', // Language Tag on <html> element
  logo: '/logos/logo-1024.png', // Used for SEO

  // JSONLD / Manifest
  favicon: 'src/favicon.png', // Used for manifest favicon generation
  shortName: 'Prismic', // shortname for manifest. MUST be shorter than 12 characters
  author: 'LekoArts', // Author for schemaORGJSONLD
  themeColor: '#3D63AE',
  backgroundColor: '#EBEDF2',

  twitter: '@starter_prismicio', // Twitter Username

You can also change the colors, container widths and other stuff in src/styles/theme:

const theme = {
  colors: {
    primary: '#3D63AE',
    bg: '#fff',
    black: '#000',
    greyLight: '#EBEDF2',
    greyBlue: '#a2bce2',
    grey: '#595C62',
    greyDark: '#303643',
    greyDarker: '#1c252b',
  maxWidth: '1000px',
  breakpoints: {
    xs: '400px',
    s: '600px',
    m: '900px',
    l: '1200px',

export default theme;

Attention: You also need to edit static/robots.txt to include your domain!


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