A Logic2 High Level Analyzer for the u-blox UBX protocol. Also supports NMEA and RTCM.
Written for the Saleae Logic Pro 8 USB Logic Analyzer:
- Corrected the detection of NAV-PVT and NAV-ATT
- Added decoding of the first key in CFG-VALSET, VALGET and VALDEL
Contributed by @cturvey :
- Filled out the Classes and Public Commands (PR #5)
- Bug fix: correct calls to analyze_signed in POSECEF and POSLLH
- NMEA decoding (format and checksum only).
- RTCM decoding (length, type and checksum only).
- Add SPI support:
- Channel can be selected as miso or mosi.
- You can add two instances of the analyzer to monitor both channels simultaneously.
- Add M8 vs. M6 module selection.
- Includes support for
- Only messages to/from the selected I2C Address are decoded.
- You can add two instances of the analyzer to monitor (e.g.) 0x42 (ZED-F9P) and 0x43 (NEO-D9S) simultaneously.
- Includes support for the u-blox register layout in I2C transfers:
- The decoder will skip over the two Bytes-Available bytes returned from Registers 0xFD and 0xFE.
- This prevents accidental decoding of 0xB5, '$' or 0xD3 as the start of UBX/NMEA/RTCM data.
Contributed by @maehw :
- Add support for decoding CFG-PRT, CFG-RST, CFG-MSG, MON-VER, MON-HW, NAV-STATUS and NAV-TIMEGPS messages.
- Includes support for u-blox 6 and u-blox 8 Protocol Specifications.
- Add support for NEO-D9S: decode UBX-RXM-PMP (Versions 0 and 1); UBX-INF-NOTICE, -ERROR and -WARNING.
- Proof of concept for Async Serial (UART) and I2C traffic: demonstrates that the HLA can successfully decode UBX frames when interleaved with NMEA messages.
- Provides simple decoding of UBX frames: displays the frame class, ID, length; extracts UBX-ACK-ACK, UBX-ACK-NACK and UBX-NAV-PVT fields; validates the checksum bytes.
- Add decoding of more message types.
- Highlight UBX, NMEA, RTCM and checksum errors in different colors.
- Requires a new Logic2 HLA color field feature: please vote for it here
Thank you so much for offering to help out. We truly appreciate it.
If you'd like to contribute, start by searching through the issues and pull requests to see whether someone else has raised a similar idea or question. Please check the closed issues and closed pull requests too - you may find that your issue or feature has already been discussed.
If you decide to add a feature to this analyzer, please create a Pull Request and follow these best practices:
- Change as little as possible. Do not submit a PR that changes 100 lines of whitespace. Break it up into multiple PRs if necessary.
- Important: Please submit your PR using the release_candidate branch. That way, we can merge and test your PR quickly without changing the main branch
License: MIT. Please see LICENSE.md for more details.