Releases: spacetelescope/stwcs
STWCS 1.7.4
What's Changed
- Manual scalar promotion of refpix['PSCALE'] from float32
to float64 to avoid potential Numpy 2.0 issues by @s-goldman in #206 - Pin numpy >= 2.0. by @s-goldman in #214
New Contributors
- @s-goldman made their first contribution in #200
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #213
Full Changelog: 1.7.3...1.7.4
STWCS 1.7.3
What's Changed
- start post 1.7.0 development by @nden in #182
- Convert WCSNAME to hash for HLET filename by @stsci-hack in #183
- prepare for release 1.7.1 by @nden in #185
- Modify publish-to-pypi.yml to build wheels by @zanecodes in #184
- Add Python 3.10 to test matrix by @WilliamJamieson in #188
- Avoid Exception for some new data by @stsci-hack in #189
- Pin astropy min version to 5.0.4 by @WilliamJamieson in #191
- Fix for failing RTD jobs by @WilliamJamieson in #192
- fix method call signature in documentation by @nden in #193
- add code owners file by @zacharyburnett in #194
- update infrastructure by @nden in #196
- Fix failing test due to astropy.wcs fix for distortion look-up table bug by @mcara in #197
New Contributors
- @zanecodes made their first contribution in #184
- @WilliamJamieson made their first contribution in #188
- @zacharyburnett made their first contribution in #194
Full Changelog: 1.7.0...1.7.3
STWCS 1.7.2
Fixed a bug affecting data with no astrometry database solutions.
STWCS 1.7.1
- Filenames for new headerlet files based on updated/new
IDCTABs now based on hash of WCSNAME instead of WCSNAME itself. [#183]
STWCS 1.7.0
- Make the code more robust when defining extname attribute of a WCS for multi-extension FITS files when their primary header contains 'EXTVER' keyword but not the 'EXTNAME' keywords. [#179]
- Fix a bug in stwcs.wcsutil.altwcs.archive_wcs due to which a str type ext would raise an exception. [#177]
- Modify updatewcs to insure that the distortion keywords remain in the same part of the primary header as the rest of the calibration reference file names. [#175]
- Update build_reference_wcs to accept list of filenames as well single filenames or a single HDUList object as input. [#173]
- Add support for computing new a priori WCS solutions when running updatewcs. [#170]
- Add new parameter to updatewcs to limit the astrometry database WCSs appended to the file to only those based on the same IDCTAB as specified in the image header. [#170]
Add new parameter to updatewcs to specify whether or not to remove duplicate headerlet extensions from the FITS file when updating the image using the astrometry database. [#172]
STWCS 1.6.1
- Fix a bug in wcsutil.wcscorr.init_wcscorr() that would result in crash when run on drizzled images that do not have OPUS WCS (WCS key 'O'). [#165]
- Make WCS and headerlet name comparisons case-insensitive when applying headerlets. [#163]
- Deprecate accuracy argument in all_world2pix and replace it with tolerance in order to have compatible function signature with astropy's all_world2pix()'. [#166]
STWCS 1.6.0
This release includes improvements to the process of updating headers with solutions from the astrometry database.
- When updating from a headerlet, the Primary WCS is archived only if not already archived
- When updating from a headerlet, t he Primary WCS is not archived if the distortion models differ.
- Tweakreg specific keywords are archived with the alternate WCS.
- General clean up and improvements to keywords and keyword comments.
For details see CHANGES.rst.
STWCS v 1.5.3
- Correct a problem where best WCS solutions were not applied with repeated reruns of
. - Correct the logic for replacing a headerlet with one which has a different distortion model.
- Add
to logging handlers.
Stwcs 1.5.1 requires >= 3.5.2.
to be called withHDUList
objects as input. -
Update the XML parser for the astrometry database and switch the default to use
the MAST TEST server which is publicly accessible. -
Gracefully ignore when the astrometry database returns an empty result for
an image. -
Fixed a bug in converting a
to aCD