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[SCSB-145] require Python 3.10 (#250)
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* require Python 3.10

* update references to Python 3.9

* oldest Numpy possible

* bump Scipy
  • Loading branch information
zacharyburnett authored Mar 18, 2024
1 parent cc054eb commit c43b9ef
Show file tree
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Showing 5 changed files with 142 additions and 135 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ jobs:
uses: OpenAstronomy/github-actions-workflows/.github/workflows/tox.yml@v1
envs: |
- linux: py39-oldestdeps-cov-xdist
- linux: py39-xdist
- linux: py310-oldestdeps-cov-xdist
- linux: py310-xdist
- linux: py311-xdist
- linux: py312-cov-xdist
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/ci_cron.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,5 +16,5 @@ jobs:
uses: OpenAstronomy/github-actions-workflows/.github/workflows/tox.yml@v1
envs: |
- macos: py39-xdist
- macos: py310-xdist
- macos: py311-xdist
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/tests_devdeps.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ jobs:
uses: OpenAstronomy/github-actions-workflows/.github/workflows/tox.yml@v1
envs: |
- linux: py39-devdeps-xdist
- linux: py310-devdeps-xdist
- linux: py311-devdeps-xdist
- linux: py312-devdeps-xdist
- linux: py3-devdeps-xdist
if: (github.repository == 'spacetelescope/stcal' && (github.event_name == 'schedule' || github.event_name == 'push' || github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'run devdeps tests')))
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,14 @@ STScI Calibration algorithms and tools.

![STScI Logo](docs/_static/stsci_logo.png)

**STCAL requires Python 3.9 or above and a C compiler for dependencies.**
> STCAL requires Python 3.10 or above and a C compiler for dependencies.
**Linux and MacOS platforms are tested and supported. Windows is not currently supported.**
> Linux and MacOS platforms are tested and supported. Windows is not currently supported.**
**If installing on MacOS Mojave 10.14, you must install
into an environment with python 3.9. Installation will fail on python 3.10 due
to lack of a stable build for dependency `opencv-python`.**
> Installation on MacOS Mojave 10.14 will fail due to lack of a stable build for dependency ``opencv-python``.
`STCAL` is intended to be used as a support package for calibration pipeline
software, such as the `JWST` and `Roman` calibration pipelines. `STCAL` is a
Expand Down
259 changes: 133 additions & 126 deletions pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,92 +1,100 @@
name = 'stcal'
description = 'STScI tools and algorithms used in calibration pipelines'
readme = ''
requires-python = '>=3.9'
license = { file = 'LICENSE' }
authors = [{ name = 'STScI', email = '[email protected]' }]
name = "stcal"
description = "STScI tools and algorithms used in calibration pipelines"
readme = ""
requires-python = ">=3.10"
authors = [
{ name = "STScI", email = "[email protected]" },
classifiers = [
'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy',
'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
"Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy",
"License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
dependencies = [
'astropy >=5.0.4',
'scipy >=1.6.0',
'numpy >=1.20',
'opencv-python-headless >=',
'asdf >=2.15.0',
'gwcs >= 0.18.1',
"astropy >=5.0.4",
"scipy >=1.7.2",
"numpy >=1.21.2",
"opencv-python-headless >=",
"asdf >=2.15.0",
"gwcs >= 0.18.1",
dynamic = [
dynamic = ['version']

file = "LICENSE"

docs = [
'packaging >=17',
'tomli; python_version <="3.11"',
"packaging >=17",
"tomli; python_version <=\"3.11\"",
test = [
'pytest >=6',
"pytest >=6",

'repository' = ''
'tracker' = ''
repository = ""
tracker = ""

requires = [
'setuptools >=61',
'setuptools_scm[toml] >=3.4',
'Cython >=0.29.21',
'numpy >=1.18',
"setuptools >=61",
"setuptools_scm[toml] >=3.4",
"Cython >=0.29.21",
"numpy >=1.18",
build-backend = 'setuptools.build_meta'
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

write_to = 'src/stcal/'
write_to = "src/stcal/"

zip-safe = true

where = ['src']
where = [

minversion = 6
log_cli_level = "INFO"
xfail_strict = true
doctest_plus = true
doctest_rst = true
text_file_format = 'rst'
text_file_format = "rst"
addopts = [
testpaths = [
norecursedirs = [
filterwarnings = [
Expand All @@ -98,80 +106,75 @@ markers = [
line-length = 110
src = [

extend-select = [
'F', # Pyflakes (part of default flake8)
'W', 'E', # pycodestyle (part of default flake8)
'I', # isort (import sorting)
# 'N', # pep8-naming
'D', # pydocstyle (docstring style guide)
'UP', # pyupgrade (upgrade code to modern python)
'YTT', # flake8-2020 (system version info)
'ANN', # flake8-annotations (best practices for type annotations)
'S', # flake8-bandit (security checks)
'BLE', # flake8-blind-except (prevent blind except statements)
'B', # flake8-bugbear (prevent common gotcha bugs)
'A', # flake8-builtins (prevent shadowing of builtins)
'C4', # flake8-comprehensions (best practices for comprehensions)
'T10', # flake8-debugger (prevent debugger statements in code)
'EM', # flake8-errormessages (best practices for error messages)
'FA', # flake8-future-annotations (correct usage future annotations)
'ISC', # flake8-implicit-str-concat (prevent implicit string concat)
'ICN', # flake8-import-conventions (enforce import conventions)
'G', # flake8-logging-format (best practices for logging)
'INP', # flake8-no-pep420 (prevent use of PEP420, i.e. implicit name spaces)
'PIE', # flake8-pie (misc suggested improvement linting)
# 'T20', # flake8-print (prevent print statements in code)
'PT', # flake8-pytest-style (best practices for pytest)
'Q', # flake8-quotes (best practices for quotes)
'RSE', # flake8-raise (best practices for raising exceptions)
'RET', # flake8-return (best practices for return statements)
'SLF', # flake8-self (prevent private member access)
'SLOT', # flake8-slots (require __slots__ for immutable classes)
'SIM', # flake8-simplify (suggest simplifications to code where possible)
'TID', # flake8-tidy-imports (prevent banned api and best import practices)
'TCH', # flake8-type-checking (move type checking imports into type checking blocks)
'INT', # flake8-gettext (when to use printf style strings)
# 'ARG', # flake8-unused-arguments (prevent unused arguments)
'PTH', # flake8-use-pathlib (prefer pathlib over os.path)
# 'ERA', # eradicate (remove commented out code)
'PGH', # pygrep (simple grep checks)
'PL', # pylint (general linting, flake8 alternative)
'TRY', # tryceratops (linting for try/except blocks)
'FLY', # flynt (f-string conversion where possible)
'NPY', # NumPy-specific checks (recommendations from NumPy)
'PERF', # Perflint (performance linting)
'RUF', # ruff specific checks
ignore = [
'ISC001', # interferes with formatter
'PLR0912', # Too many branches
'PLR0913', # Too many arguments
'PLR0915', # Too many statements
'PLR2004', # Magic value used in comparison

# Pydocstyle (to fix over time
'D100', # Undocumented public module
'D101', # Undocumented public class
'D102', # Undocumented public method
'D103', # Undocumented public function
'D104', # Undocumented public package
'D205', # 1 blank line required between summary line and description
'D401', # First line of docstring should be in imperative mood
'D404', # First word of docstring should not be This
exclude = [

Expand All @@ -184,7 +187,7 @@ exclude = [
convention = "numpy"

ignore-fully-untyped = true # Turn of annotation checking for fully untyped code
ignore-fully-untyped = true

max-line-length = 110
Expand All @@ -195,20 +198,24 @@ filter_files = true
line_length = 110

# ignore-words-list="""
# """
skip = "*.pdf,*.fits,*.asdf,.tox,build,./tags,.git,docs/_build"

ignore = [
"GH200", # Use dependabot
"PC140", # add MyPy to pre-commit
"PC901", # custom message
"MY100", # Use MyPy

archs = ["x86_64", "arm64"]
archs = [

archs = ["auto", "aarch64"]
archs = [

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