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Slope Determination by Analysis of Residuals


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The sdarr-package provides a R implementation of the algorithm for Slope Determination by Analysis of Residuals (SDAR) as standardized in ASTM E3076-18.
It allows for automated and objective linear-fitting of mechanical test-data. See a detailed description of the algorithm in the NIST Technical Note 2050 by E. Lucon or in Graham & Adler (2011).

As the SDAR-algorithm, implemented in sdar(), heavily uses linear regressions, a faster version sdar_lazy() was implemented, which finds the optimum region for the final linear regression by random sub-sampling within the normalized range of the test-data.


You can install the latest release version of sdarr from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

You can install the development version of sdarr from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Standard SDAR-algorithm

A basic example of using sdar() on a synthetic data set, which is based on the properties of aluminium (EN AW-6060-T66). A toe-region and a non-zero intercept are added to make the test data less boring.

sdar() analyzes the data and will give a small report as a message. It should confirm the Young’s-modulus of 69 GPa and an intercept of 10 MPa. To make use of multi-core processing, configure furrr to use a multi-session strategy.


# setup multisession calculations with a maximum of 8 cores
# (or however many cores are available...)
  workers = min(c(parallelly::availableCores(), 8))

# Synthesize a test record resembling EN AW-6060-T66
Al_6060_T66 <- synthesize_test_data(
  slope = 69000, yield.y = 160,
  ultimate.y = 215, ultimate.x = 0.08,
  offset = 10,
  toe.start.y = 3, toe.end.y = 15,
  toe.start.slope = 13600

# Analyze the test record
Al_6060_T66.result <- sdar(Al_6060_T66,
  x = strain, y = stress)
#> Determination of Slope in the Linear Region of a Test Record:
#> SDAR-algorithm
#>   Data Quality Metric: Digital Resolution
#>     x
#>       Relative x-Resolution:   0.333333333333333
#>       % at this resolution:    0
#>       % in zeroth bin:         100
#>       --> pass
#>     y
#>       Relative y-Resolution:   0.333333333333333
#>       % at this resolution:    0.268096514745308
#>       % in zeroth bin:         99.7319034852547
#>       --> pass
#>   Data Quality Metric: Noise
#>     x
#>       Relative x-Noise:        1.14246654063749e-14
#>       --> pass
#>     y
#>       Relative y-Noise:        0.0572451173412188
#>       --> pass
#>   Fit Quality Metric: Curvature
#>     1st Quartile
#>       Relative Residual Slope: 0.00200695921876536
#>       Number of Points:        44
#>       --> pass
#>     4th Quartile
#>       Relative Residual Slope: -0.00712826619905767
#>       Number of Points:        44
#>       --> pass
#>   Fit Quality Metric: Fit Range
#>       relative fit range:      0.817634510547523
#>       --> pass
#>   Un-normalized fit
#>       Final Slope:             68995.0585161614 MPa
#>       True Intercept:          10.002547500777 MPa
#>       y-Range:                 24.8291015625 MPa - 82.7682495117188 MPa

Random sub-sampling modification of the SDAR-algorithm

A basic example of sdar_lazy(), a random sub-sampling modification of the SDAR-algorithm on a synthetic data set, which is based on the properties of aluminium (EN AW-6060-T66). A toe-region and a non-zero intercept are added to make the test data less boring (see above).

sdar_lazy() analyzes the data for the optimum size of the fitting region via random sub-sampling. It will give a small report as a message after finding the optimum fit. It should confirm the Young’s-modulus of 69 GPa and an intercept of 10 MPa. As the synthetic data set is noise-free (except for quantization-noise), only one random sub-sampling run will do.

To make use of multicore processing, configure furrr to use a multisession strategy (see above).

# set a random seed

# Analyze the test record
# (with enforced random sub-sampling)
Al_6060_T66.result_lazy <- sdar_lazy(Al_6060_T66,
  x = strain, y = stress, plot = FALSE, enforce_subsampling = TRUE)
#> Determination of Slope in the Linear Region of a Test Record:
#> Random sub-sampling modification of the SDAR-algorithm
#>   Random sub-sampling information:
#>       118 points of 375 points in the normalized range were used.
#>       0 % of the sub-samples passed the data quality checks.
#>       100 % of the sub-samples passed the fit quality checks.
#>       0 % of the sub-samples passed all quality checks.
#>   Data Quality Metric: Digital Resolution
#>     x
#>       Relative x-Resolution:   0.333333333333333
#>       % at this resolution:    0
#>       % in zeroth bin:         100
#>       --> pass
#>     y
#>       Relative y-Resolution:   0.333333333333333
#>       % at this resolution:    0.268096514745308
#>       % in zeroth bin:         99.7319034852547
#>       --> pass
#>   Data Quality Metric: Noise
#>     x
#>       Relative x-Noise:        1.14246654063749e-14
#>       --> pass
#>     y
#>       Relative y-Noise:        0.0572451173412188
#>       --> pass
#>   Fit Quality Metric: Curvature
#>     1st Quartile
#>       Relative Residual Slope: 0.00287008465272615
#>       Number of Points:        43
#>       --> pass
#>     4th Quartile
#>       Relative Residual Slope: -0.00734852665893149
#>       Number of Points:        43
#>       --> pass
#>   Fit Quality Metric: Fit Range
#>       relative fit range:      0.827242206235012
#>       --> pass
#>   Un-normalized fit
#>       Final Slope:             68995.3087875296 MPa
#>       True Intercept:          10.0023835307365 MPa
#>       y-Range:                 25.15869140625 MPa - 82.4249267578125 MPa

Plot Functions

sdar() and sdar_lazy() will create diagnostic plots throughout calculations, which will only be shown when requested (i.e. set plot = TRUE for showing a plot of the final fit, or plot.all = TRUE for showing all additional diagnostic plots). To have a plot drawn later, you can call the provided plot-function from the results.

The plot-functions are crated, so you can easily tap their environment to convert it into e.g. a ggplot2-graphic.

# show plot of final fit using the plot function from the result (see above)

# satisfy pipe addiction...
# make nice and shiny graphics with ggplot2...

# plot the final fit using ggplot2
Al_6060_T66.result_lazy %>% {
  # tap the environment of the crated plot-function
  plot.env <- rlang::fn_env(.$plots$

  # get data and labels <- plot.env$
  plot.main <- plot.env$plot.main
  plot.xlab <- plot.env$plot.xlab
  plot.ylab <- plot.env$plot.ylab <-$ %>% max()
  plot.y.lowerBound <- plot.env$y.lowerBound
  plot.y.upperBound <- plot.env$y.upperBound

  # create the ggplot2 %>% ggplot(aes(x =, y =,
                           color = "Test data\n(EN AW-6060-T66)")) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_line(data = %>%
                dplyr::filter( <=,
              aes(x =, y =, color = "fit (sdar_lazy)")) +
    geom_hline(aes(color = "fit range",
                   yintercept = plot.y.lowerBound),
               linetype = "dashed", show.legend = TRUE) +
    geom_hline(aes(color = "fit range",
                   yintercept = plot.y.upperBound),
               linetype = "dashed",show.legend = TRUE) +
    theme_bw() +
    labs(title = plot.main,
         x = plot.xlab,
         y = plot.ylab,
         caption = paste0("Result of the random sub-sampling SDAR-algorithm:",
                          "\n\nFinal Slope: ",
                          round(.$sdar$finalSlope / 1000, 1), " GPa",
                          "\nTrue Intercept: ",
                          round(.$sdar$trueIntercept, 1), " MPa","
                          \n\nFit Range: ",
                          round(plot.y.lowerBound, 1), " MPa - ",
                          round(plot.y.upperBound, 1), " MPa"))


The sdarr-package was created for the analysis of mechanical test data for the project LOBio, which is funded by the German ministry of education and research (BMBF) under grant number 13XP5174C.


Slope Determination by Analysis of Residuals



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