This is an unsupported update of the original driver source for FusionIO cards. It comes with no warranty, it may cause DATA LOSS or CORRUPTION. Therefore it is NOT meant for production use, just for testing purposes.
The master branch is based on the 3.2.15 iomemory driver version with several enhancements from the 4.3.4 driver for SX/PX Fusion cards. It is basically the first version that does not silently drop IOs in newer Linux kernels. The next_generation branch is based on the 3.2.16 version. It is closer to the official version although with slightly rearranged file structure to better match the 4.3.4 version.
The master version is currently powering a CEPH cluster with official LTS kernel 4.14 and works quite well. Testing and running with the kernel module has been done on Redhat.
Driver support for FusionIO cards has been lagging behind kernel releases, effectively making the cards an expensive paperweight when running a distribution like Ubuntu which supplies newer kernels. Deemed a trivial task to update the drivers and actually make them work with said newer kernels, and putting the expensive paperweight to use again so I could access my data..., set forking and fixing the code in motion quite a while ago.
If you are on CentOS or similiar distribution simply run
git clone
git checkout next_generation (only for 3.2.16 version needed)
cd iomemory-vsl/
rpmbuild -ba fio-driver.spec
Otherwise module building can be done according to the original README.
Installation can be done according to the original README.
A dkms.conf file is supplied, so it should be plug and play:
git clone
sudo cp -r iomemory-vsl/root/usr/src/iomemory-vsl-3.2.15 /usr/src/
sudo dkms add -m iomemory-vsl -v 3.2.15
sudo dkms build -m iomemory-vsl -v 3.2.15
sudo dkms install -m iomemory-vsl -v 3.2.15
sudo modprobe iomemory-vsl
With fio-utils installed you should see the following kind of...:
snuf@scipio:~/Downloads/ark/usr/bin$ sudo ./fio-status
[sudo] password for snuf:
Found 2 ioMemory devices in this system with 1 ioDrive Duo
Driver version: 3.2.15 build 1700
Adapter: Dual Adapter
Fusion-io ioDrive Duo 640GB, Product Number:FS3-204-320-CS, SN:440178, FIO SN:440178
External Power: NOT connected
PCIe Power limit threshold: 24.75W
Connected ioMemory modules:
fct0: SN:443248
fct1: SN:443247
fct0 Attached
ioDIMM3 320G MLC, SN:443248
Located in slot 0 Upper of ioDrive Duo HL SN:440178
Last Power Monitor Incident: 693 sec
PCI:0b:00.0, Slot Number:17
Firmware v7.1.13, rev 109322 Public
320.00 GBytes device size
Internal temperature: 49.71 degC, max 51.68 degC
Reserve space status: Healthy; Reserves: 100.00%, warn at 10.00%
Contained VSUs:
fioa: ID:0, UUID:43836c20-2782-4279-91a3-25ac72c1a270
fioa State: Online, Type: block device
ID:0, UUID:43836c20-2782-4279-91a3-25ac72c1a270
320.00 GBytes device size
fct1 Attached
ioDIMM3 320G MLC, SN:443247
Located in slot 1 Lower of ioDrive Duo HL SN:440178
Last Power Monitor Incident: 693 sec
PCI:0c:00.0, Slot Number:10
Firmware v7.1.13, rev 109322 Public
320.00 GBytes device size
Internal temperature: 52.17 degC, max 53.65 degC
Reserve space status: Healthy; Reserves: 100.00%, warn at 10.00%
Contained VSUs:
fiob: ID:0, UUID:e6cf3046-bf97-49c2-810e-81e14620b1d8
fiob State: Online, Type: block device
ID:0, UUID:e6cf3046-bf97-49c2-810e-81e14620b1d8
320.00 GBytes device size
Installing the fio-util, fio-common, fio-preinstall and fio-sysvinit are recommended. When moving from source 2.3.11 to source 3.2.10 the firmware HAS TO BE UPDATED to For the move to 3.2.15 from 3.2.10 I've not seen any issues with my card.