Task Description Generate a random number within a specified range, such as 1 to 100. Prompt the user to enter their guess for the generated number. Compare the user's guess with the generated number and provide feedback on whether the guess is correct, too high, or too low. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the user guesses the correct number. You can incorporate additional details as follows: Limit the number of attempts the user has to guess the number. Add the option for multiple rounds, allowing the user to play again. Display the user's score, which can be based on the number of attempts taken or rounds won.
1.Create a class to represent the ATM machine. 2. Design the user interface for the ATM, including options such as withdrawing, depositing, and checking the balance. 3. Implement methods for each option, such as withdraw(amount), deposit(amount), and checkBalance(). 4. Create a class to represent the user's bank account, which stores the account balance. 5. Connect the ATM class with the user's bank account class to access and modify the account balance. 6. Validate user input to ensure it is within acceptable limits (e.g., sufficient balance for withdrawals). 7. Display appropriate messages to the user based on their chosen options and the success or failure of their transactions.
Currency Selection: Allow the user to choose the base cu rrency and the target cu rrency. Currency Rates: Fetch real-time exchange rates from a reliable API. Amount Input: Take input from the user for the amount they want to convert. Currency Conversion: Convert the input amount from the base currency to the target currency using the fetched exchange rate. Display Result: Show the converted amount and the target currency symbol to the user.