Please note that the build instruction in this guide has only been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
`sudo usermod -aG sudo $USER`
`sudo usermod -aG docker $USER`
`sudo apt-get install git docker`
- git clone
- cd sonic-buildimage/
- sudo modprobe overlay
- make init
- make configure PLATFORM=broadcom
- Run the prefetch python script to download all binaries (see below for the script).
- To build sonic-netconf-server container:
BLDENV=stretch make target/docker-sonic-netconf-server.gz
- To build Debian Stretch, if not already downloaded:
BLDENV=stretch make stretch
- To build the ONIE installer:
BLDENV=stretch make target/sonic-broadcom.bin
In order to speed up the process of build, you can prefetch the latest debian files from Azure server, and just build what you need.
Here is a python script you could use to fetch latest prebuilt objects (deb, gz, ko, etc) from SONiC Jenkins cluster:
import os
import shutil
import urllib.request
from html.parser import HTMLParser
def get_all_bins(target_path, extension):
"""Get all files matching the given extension from the target path"""
print('Fetching %s*%s' % (target_path, extension))
os.makedirs(target_path, exist_ok=True)
req = urllib.request.urlopen(UPSTREAM_PREFIX + target_path)
data =
class Downloader(HTMLParser):
"""Class to parse retrieved data, match against the given extension,
and download the matching files to the given target directory"""
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
"""Handle only <a> tags"""
if tag == 'a':
for attr, val in attrs:
if attr == 'href' and val.endswith(extension):
def download_file(path):
filename = os.path.join(target_path, path)
freq = urllib.request.urlopen(UPSTREAM_PREFIX + target_path + path)
print('\t%s' % path)
with open(filename, 'wb') as fp:
shutil.copyfileobj(freq, fp)
parser = Downloader()
get_all_bins('target/debs/stretch/', '.deb')
get_all_bins('target/files/stretch/', '.ko')
get_all_bins('target/python-debs/', '.deb')
get_all_bins('target/python-wheels/', '.whl')
get_all_bins('target/', '.gz')
Just clean up the deb's/gz that require re-build, and build again. Here is an exmple:
BLDENV=stretch make target/debs/stretch/sonic-netconf-server_1.0-01_amd64.deb-clean
BLDENV=stretch make target/debs/stretch/sonic-netconf-server_1.0-01_amd64.deb
BLDENV=stretch make target/docker-sonic-netconf-server.gz-clean
BLDENV=stretch make target/docker-sonic-netconf-server.gz