This is a simple app to demonstrate realtime configuration udpates that are saved on MongoDB instance.
Application is getting configuration in original types
- Config-Library dll from library repo
- MongoDB driver
- Up and running MongoDB instance with according data
Config Library: Download source code from following repo and build. Import dll as an assembly dependency to api project.
MongoDB Driver: Install Nuget package as dependency
MongoDB instance:
Run docker-compose file in this folder with docker-compose up -d
MongoDB instance is running on 27017 port. username is test password is test
Database name that is being used in source code is admin. The collection that is being used is named as configs.
- run
docker cp /Users/sonay.sevik/Documents/Projects/internal/boyner-api/configs.json REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_ID:/configs.json
- run
docker exec -it REPLACE_WITH_CONTAINER_ID bin/bash
- run
mongoimport --host= --authenticationDatabase=admin --db=admin --username=test --password=test --collection=configs --file=configs.json