application for constituent representative communication
The concept of this application is to provide a social interface between citizens and their elected officials. The information you can obtain about your reps is all inclusive of the app as this information can be sprung open in the surrounding widgets. That information supplies all history and itinerary about your rep(s). The information can then be easily assimilated for you to integrate into parts of your communications with your rep(s).
That information encompasses every aspect involved in the daily affairs of the representative. Such details include: voting record summary for vote their contributors meeting with lobbyist and affairs with what organizations pending legislation committee assignments roll calls and vacations
The idea is that you will know what influences persuaded your rep to take the direction in vote that they have chosen; and, in addition compare that to your best interests. Most importantly you will also be able to see the demographics contributing their arguments into the final decision and be able to tell if the vote was cast in favor of the majority or if there was a special interest that interceded the wish of the population.
All this will be documented in scale and graph form and provided on a moments notice such as when a citizen proceeds to vote or decides that posing legislation must develop a particular outcome. Then the citizens will have all these tools to help them make the best informed decision.
The application's interface allows for forum style communications between all the constituents of any one rep. These constituents can integrate these communication into their social channels for further communications abroad; however, the communications through the the interface are restricted between the rep and any constituent of that rep only.
Each constituents group can also be recognized as a voting district. It will become from the usage of this app that leaders step forward to lead the districts/ groups in moderation.
The moderators will decipher into several separate clauses the concerns of the population. This is for making the presentation to the rep direct and to the point with each concern accompanied with the demographics of the people making the request for recognition. The moderator may also elevate to recognition the few ideas that seem of intellectual content. This point of moderation is to get to the rep the voice of the people laid out into as few as possible descriptions the opposing concerns; so that, the rep can quickly ascertain the debate and decide what group has the most influence and proper direction.
The moderators will keep an orderly language to maintain operability of the district/ group. The authority of the moderators will be to remind individuals of their responsibility in communicating with others if the need arises; and, the moderators will grade individuals for their behavior as the need becomes recognized. The public-good forum will be civil! With an overwhelming degradation citizens can lose their ability to use the forum.
There can be as many moderators as are willing to apply their time. a moderator can only be of any one living in the district. Moderators of them selves will be moderated by the people of the district and lent authority only as the people allow. With an overwhelming consensus moderator can lose the ability to moderate.
It will become as a process of legislation that each rep shall make a daily confession of their history and explain to their people why the decision to vote a particular way was made. These daily confession shall be displayed across the app in video format with no direct inter communication between the rep and constituent at this time of day. Yet, the app will provide a video conference style ability; so that, the rep can hold hall style meetings with their constituents; and, at this time the moderators will again take their rolls to maintain a civil attitude and to trim the concerns of all the people into as few talking points as needed. These can then be presented to the rep who will then address the district.
The hall style meetings can be called by the rep at any time the rep determines the need or can be requested by the constituents when regarding pending legislation.
Each of these measures, the concern(s) to elevate to the rep, the bias and fair contribution of the moderators, the request for hall style meet up and the individual's grade in use of the forum will be applied by a consensus. It will be allowed for any person facing a ban from the forum to be able to submit a peer review to the district in request for intervention and as the district so determines the grades given by the moderator can be over ridden; else, in this regard a person may find themselves permanently banished from the forum; however, this will not prevent that person from using the application for its other purposes.