We have partly finished our goals. However, this app is far away from practical applications and has a bunch of bugs. We will not update or maintain this project anymore, although we still think this idea is quite amazing and this app would have wide user groups if we finish this app well. This project remains for its educational purpose. We hope this project can help those who are new to django and android.
SJTU_SoftwareEngineering 2016-2017
This is a project we should conquer in 2 months. We are aimed at a convenient and useful app based on Android. Besides, we should finish at least two sprints.
The first sprint's deadline is Nov.1st in 2016.
The second sprint's deadline is Dec.1st in 2016.
- wangjksjtu
- Dulou
- sjrGCkym
- somecat1996
- linboyang
- NIisavella
- zhengjilai

May we succeed!