We're going to take you step-by-step to build a modern, fully open-source,Banking System RESTful API using Python, Django Rest Framework.
This course will teach you exactly how to build one with Django, Python, Django Rest Framework, and more.
1 - Requirements: no code
Prerequisites required include:
- Python 3
- Pip 3
- Virtualenv
- Django == 3.2.9
Make directory in your workspace:
mkdir banksystem_project
Navigate into
cd banksystem_project
Create a python virtual environment to install django and other dependecies in the future.
virtualenv .env
is the directory where we install the packages. -
Activate the virtual environment.
source .env/bin/activate
Install Django framework. We are going to use
in this tutorial.pip3 install django==3.2.9
pip install django==3.2.9
If python3 is the default version running.
Create django project:
django-admin startproject banksystem
That's it !!!!! You did it 😃 👏 👏
If you want to see the blank project we created follow the link below.
Now lets create an application called api
inside our project banksystem
. To learn more about django applications.
Run the following command in your root folder where manage.py
./manage.py startapp api
The app api
will be created and your whole project folder structure should look like this.
├── [banksystem]/
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── settings.py
│ ├── urls.py
│ └── wsgi.py
| |__ __init__.py
| |__ models.py
| |__ views.py
| |__[migrations]/
| | |___ __init__.py
| |
| |__admin.py
| |__tests.py
└── manage.py
Include api
application in django settings.py
Learn about django project structure.
1 - Introduction: no code
2 - Install Django Rest Framework
Install using pip
pip install djangorestframework====3.12.4
pip install Markdown==3.3.6 # Markdown support for the browsable API.
pip install django-filter==21.1 # Filtering support
Add 'rest_framework'
setting in settings.py
If you're intending to use the browsable API you'll probably also want to add REST framework's login and logout views. Add the following to your rooturls.py
file. Location of urls.py banksystem_project/banksystem/urls.py
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls'))
Note that the URL path can be whatever you want.
3 - Creating Bank System Models
4 - Implementing Branch & Bank Endpoints Using generic views
42 - Final wrap-up: no code