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Use Solid Apps |
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These Solid-compatible apps will store your data on your own Pod.
The criteria for an app to be Solid-compatible are:
- If identifying users is necessary, they must be able to login using their WebID and pointing to the Identity Provider of their choice
- Data consumed by the app should be fetched from Solid Pods if possible
- Data generated by the app should be stored in Solid Pods
- The interaction between the app, pods, and Identity Provider(s) must be compliant with the Solid specification
Please note that apps falling into the following categories will not be listed on this page, even if they match the criteria above:
- Apps intentionally or indirectly causing harm to anyone
- Apps with a purpose that could be widely considered unethical
- Apps designed to enable the generation and/or dissemination of hate speech
- Apps encouraging stereotypes or violent behaviours towards any person or group
- Apps having malicious intent, such as data theft
- Apps designed to fullfill illegal purposes, such as drug traffic, stolen information exchange, extorsion...
- Apps sharing users' information with any third-party without user consent
- Apps that have been reported to have important technical or security issues that compromise its users' Pods
Want to add an eligible Solid-compatible app to this list? Contact the Solid Manager via [email protected] or submit a submit a pull request.
- Solidarity. source code is under MIT License Copyright (c) 2019David Faveris
- Notepod is a simple note-taking app that stores notes in your Solid Pod. It was created as a demonstration of how to create Solid apps — inspect its commit messages for more detailed guidance on reading data, authenticating, and more.
- Poddit. 2019. Vincent Tunru.
- Solid Chess decentralised chess game Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Pieter Heyvaert
- Solid Focus keep track of your to do list. Source code GNU General Public License v3.0 (c) 2018 Noel de Martin
- Mark Book is for creating bookmarks. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Melvin Carvalho
- Tadanime helps you rate your anime series and movies. Tadanime MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Pieter Heyvaert
- Holon playing with ShEx Shapes. Creates a form from a remote shape and store data on your Pod. Holon source code
- Dokieli is a client side editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations, and social interactions. Dokieli Apache License v2.0 2012 Sarven Capadisli
- Darcy
- SNS A social network based on Solid build on core JavaScript by Jackson Morgan
- Solidarity. source code is under MIT License Copyright (c) 2019David Faveris
- OChat. source code from 2019 by Jackson Morgan.
- Solid Chat Challenge Student Projects source code under MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 by students of University de Oviedo course led by Professor Jose Emilio Labra Gayo
- Friend Requests Exploration. source code under MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Inrupt
- Solid Profile Viewer is a react app to view and browse Solid WebID profiles. source code is under MIT License Copyright (c) 2018Angelo Veltens
- Taisukef add friends. source code from 2018 by Taisuke Fukuno.
- Contacts mobile friendly vCard contact management. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2015 Andrei Sambra
- WebID Profile editor Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2015Andrei Sambra
- Solid Signup app for creating WebID accounts with Solid compatible providers. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2015 Andrei Sambra
- OpenLink YouID identity and credentials document generator that creates X.509 certificates and saves WebID-Profile documents in any Solid Pod and sets up the relations required for WebID-TLS and WebID-TLS+Delegation. Copyright © 2013-2016 OpenLink Software Inc.
- Golf Companion Assistant. source code under GNU Affero General Public License (c) 2020 Michaud
- Solid Chess decentralised chess game Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Pieter Heyvaert
- Linked Beer search for and rate beers listed by brewery. 2019. Özcan Seker. source code
- Tadanime helps you rate your anime series and movies. Tadanime MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Pieter Heyvaert
- Twee-Fi helps you review claims and rate trustworthiness of tweets. Twee-Fi MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 FactsMission
- Mark Book is for creating bookmarks. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Melvin Carvalho
- RiseFor Mobilisation (deployed as Referendum Signons) is an app for organising referenda; it uses Solid under the hood.
- Solidbase agricultural project management. source code is under GNU AGPL3 (c) 2017 Allmende Lab
- Concept (GitHub) is an embarrassingly simple clone of built on Solid, currently in early alpha.
- Notepod is a simple note-taking app that stores notes in your Solid Pod. source code by Vincent Tunru
- OEdit an editor app for raw files using the vs interface. source code by Jackson Morgan.
- Solid Focus keep track of your to do list. Source code GNU General Public License v3.0 (c) 2018 Noel de Martin
- Plume blogging platform. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2015 Andrei Sambra
- Warp file browser. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2014]( Andrei Samba
- Dokieli is a client side editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations, and social interactions. Dokieli Apache License v2.0 2012 Sarven Capadisli
- Solid LBS (deployed as Sigmafied). 2019. Sharon Statsianis.
- Solid Geolocation Challenge Entries
- Spoggy
- Solid Weather uses the national weather service API so it is currently only able to fetch weather in the United States.2019. Dylan Martin.
- Solid Calendar is a way to create, store, and query events using a user's card. 2019. Dylan Martin.
- Linked Pipes. 2019. @aorumbayev
- Hello World Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2015 Melvin Carvalho
- Solid Notify sends you a desktop notification when a Solid resource changes.
- SolidVC is a Verifiable Credentials framework developed within the context of Solid.
- [DVO]( 10)
- OhMyPod! is an app to manage your Pod. source code is under GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (2) 2020 by Empathy
- File Extractor is an app to sign into your Pod and extract all data. An HTML page allows your to sign in to a Solid Pod and extract a HexBin file from an RDF file there. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 David Conorozzo
- Tiddlywiki is a Pod store. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Alain Bourgeois
- File Extractor for Pods extract files from Pods. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 FormRouter, Inc.
- Form Integration is an app to submit online form data to your Pod. Using a FormRouter Account, it is now possible to setup an online form that can route directly into a Solid Pod. This allows any person with a Solid Pod to get a copy of the form data they filled out. The submission may include a copy of the form as a PDF if so configured. This currently supports PDF, HTML and Excel form formats. (c) 2019 FormRouter Inc
- Solid File Manager is an Solid app that help you manages files in your Pod. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Otto AA
- OpenLink Structured Data Editor (OSDE) RDF editor that can save content to any Solid Pod. (c) 2019 OpenLink Software
- ODS-Briefcase -- a module of OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS), ODS-Briefcase includes Dynamic Extended Type (DET) WebDAV/LDP Folder support for Solid Pods, enabling read/write access for any WebDAV-compliant client, subject to Briefcase-managed ACLs. (Briefcase connects to the Pod as the Pod Owner, so has full privileges.) (c) 2019 OpenLink Software
- OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer (OSDS) extracts Metadata in a variety of notations from HTML docs and enables storage to any Solid Pod via "Save As" feature. (c) 2019 OpenLink Software
- URIBurner SPARQL Query Service Endpoint that supports WebID-OIDC for authenticating WebIDs en route to functionality that isn't granted to the un-authenticated Public; e.g., "generating descriptions of any Web-Accessible Document in RDF, and publishing said description in 5-Star Linked Data form" (c) 2019 OpenLink Software
- Launcher Exploration (code on
- Poddit. 2019. Vincent Tunru.
- Solid authorization Widget component for web app. source code is under MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 by Bourgeoa
- OpenLink Smart Data Bot (OSDB) distills actions from API documentation constructed using RDF or OpenAPI; supports WebID-OIDC for authentication (c) 2019 OpenLink Software
- Solid Shell command-line tool and interactive shell. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Jeff Zucker
- Solid File Widget widget authorisation. source code is under MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 by Alain Bourgeois
- Solid IDE file manager and IDE. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Jeff Zucker
- graphMetrix allows you to browse your Solid Pod offering multiple views of information including overview, graph, doc, gallery and grid as well as easy to use Solid collaboration control and file management. 30 day free trial followed by a $10 per user/per month. 2018 graphMetrix
- LinkedPipes Applications create your own visualisers based on linked data. Source code Apache License 2.0 (c) 2018 Jakub Klimek
- SPARQL Fiddle online fiddle to run SPARQL against Pods. Source code MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 Jeff Zucker
- Inbox processes notifications. Source codeMIT License Copyright (c) 2015Andrei Sambra
Disclaimer: The list above does not represent an endorsement by the Solid Project. The apps on the list do not undergo any testing at this time, and there is no guarantee of security or quality implied by their inclusion on this list. The goal of the list is to showcase the vibrancy of the Solid community and encourage early app builders to collaborate and learn from each other. If you believe one of the apps below is insecure or non-functional and should be removed from the list, please raise an issue here and tag the app's creator or maintainer. If the creator or maintainer of the app does not respond within 24 hours to indicate that they will fix the problem, a Solid Creator will remove the app from the listing.