prerequisites : nodejs >= 10
git clone
cd solidarity
npm install -g browserify
npm install
npm run start
your browser must open on http://localhost:9000
import Shighl from '../../node_modules/shighl/src/Shighl.js'
then when published & installed
import Shighl from 'shighl'
REduce the profile image>
#media queries
To create a chat conversation, create a document, e.g., /chat.ttl
, and add the following triples to it:
</chat.ttl#this> a mee:LongChat
</chat.ttl#this> dc:author </profile/card#me> .
</chat.ttl#this> dc:created "2018-07-06T21:36:04Z"^^XML:dateTime .
</chat.ttl#this> dc:title "Chat channel" .
To add a message in the chat conversation, for instance where you say "hi", generate a timestamp like 1555487418787
and add the following triples to /chat.ttl
</chat.ttl#Msg1555487418787> dct:created "2019-04-17T07:50:18Z"^^XML:dateTime .
</chat.ttl#Msg1555487418787> sioc:content "hi" .
</chat.ttl#Msg1555487418787> foaf:maker </profile/card#me> .
Note that for historical reasons, for the chat conversation as a whole, we use dc:created
and dc:author
, whereas for the individual chat messages we use dct:created
and foaf:maker
LongChat is similar to Chat, except that it uses LDP containers to discover the triples that describe the chat conversation,
instead of having all the triples in one chat.ttl
To create a chat conversation, pick a timestamp, e.g., 1555491215455
, create an LDP container, for instance /long-chat/
, and in there, create an index document, e.g., /long-chat/index.ttl
. To the index document, add the following triples:
</long-chat/index.ttl#this> a mee:LongChat .
</long-chat/index.ttl#this> dc:author </profile/card#me> .
</long-chat/index.ttl#this> dc:created "2018-07-06T21:36:04Z"^^XML:dateTime .
</long-chat/index.ttl#this> dc:title "Chat channel" .
</long-chat/index.ttl#this> flow:participation :id1555491215455 .
</long-chat/index.ttl#this> ui:sharedPreferences :SharedPreferences .
</long-chat/index.ttl#id1555491215455> ic:dtstart "2019-04-17T08:53:35Z"^^XML:dateTime .
</long-chat/index.ttl#id1555491215455> flow:participant </profile/card#me> .
</long-chat/index.ttl#id1555491215455> ui:backgroundColor "#c0d2fe" .
To add a message in the LongChat conversation, for instance where you say "hi", pick a filename, for instance, /long-chat/2019/04/17/chat.ttl
, generate a timestamp like 1555487418787
and add the following triples to /long-chat/2019/04/17/chat.ttl
</long-chat/2019/04/17/chat.ttl#Msg1555487418787> dct:created "2019-04-17T07:50:18Z"^^XML:dateTime .
</long-chat/2019/04/17/chat.ttl#Msg1555487418787> sioc:content "hi" .
</long-chat/2019/04/17/chat.ttl#Msg1555487418787> foaf:maker </profile/card#me> .
</long-chat/index.ttl#this> flow:message </long-chat/2019/04/17/chat.ttl#Msg1555487418787> .
Note that there is no need to make /long-chat/2019/04/17/chat.ttl
discoverable from /long-chat/index.ttl
, since it can be discovered by following the LDP Container member listings for /long-chat/
, /long-chat/2019/
, /long-chat/2019/04/
, and /2019/04/17/
Also note that here too, for the chat conversation as a whole, we use dc:created
and dc:author
, whereas for the individual chat messages we use dct:created
and foaf:maker
await data[url].dct$created.add(date)
await data[url].sioc$content.add(content)
await data[url].foaf$maker.add(namedNode(${webid}
await data.from(url)[index][''].add(namedNode(url))
${ => html`
<person-element .person='${p}'><person-element>
- What is Solid ?
- Get a POD ?
- nodejs
initialise a nodejs app
mkdir socialid-template
npm init -y
- webpack install webpack dev-dependencies
npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server
mkdir dist
touch dist/index.html
touch webpack.config.js
mkdir src
mkdir src/component
touch src/component/app-element.js
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no">
<link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
<app-element name="App"></app-element>
<script src="app-element.js"></script>
<a href="" target="_blank">source</a>
const path = require('path');
module.exports =
entry: {
app: './src/component/app-element.js',
output: {
filename: '[name]-element.js',
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
devServer: {
contentBase: path.join(__dirname, 'dist'),
compress: true,
port: 9000,
historyApiFallback: true,
inline: true,
open: true,
hot: true
devtool: "eval-source-map",
performance: {
hints: false
-add start & build scripts to package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"start": "webpack-dev-server -d --hot --config webpack.config.js --watch",
"build": "webpack"
- launch webpack dev server with
npm run start
it opens the index.html in your dist folder on http://localhost:9000
then we need to populate the src/component/app-element.js and can use lit-element for this
* lit-element (webcomponents)
npm install --save lit-element
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class AppElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
something: {type: String},
constructor() {
this.something = "world"
return html`
Hello <b>${this.something}</b> from app-element
customElements.define('app-element', AppElement);
# Some Solid webcomponents
- login-element
first create a basic login-element (there is a model at src/component/modele-element, just duplicate that file & change 'ModeleElement' (2 times) & 'modele-element')
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class LoginElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
webId: {type: String},
constructor() {
this.webId = "nobody"
return html`
customElements.define('login-element', LoginElement);
next we will need to import 'solid-auth-client' module
npm install --save solid-auth-client
we needto add the 'solid-auth-client' popup to our dist folder
cp -r node_modules/solid-auth-client/dist-popup/ dist
and update login-element like this
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import* as auth from 'solid-auth-client'
class LoginElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
webId: {type: String},
constructor() {
this.webId = null
return html`
<!-- if this.webId == null , login button is diaplayed -->
${this.webId == null ?
<button @click=${this.login}>Login</button>
: html`
<!-- else logout button is displayed -->
<button @click=${this.logout}>Logout</button>
auth.trackSession(session => {
if (!session){
this.webId = session.webId
login(event) {
logout(event) {
auth.logout().then(() => alert('Goodbye!'));
async popupLogin() {
let session = await auth.currentSession();
let popupUri = './dist-popup/popup.html';
if (!session)
session = await auth.popupLogin({ popupUri });
customElements.define('login-element', LoginElement);
- Now you have your first Solid component, you can add it to your src/component/app-element.js
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import './login-element.js'
class AppElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
something: {type: String},
constructor() {
this.something = "world"
return html`
Hello <b>${this.something}</b> from app-element !
customElements.define('app-element', AppElement);
# A second component
- now let's build a second component & establish a communication between login-component & this new component
In order to keep the component really independant (no redux & no "two way" data-binding) we will use evejs
* evejs ( communication between webcomponents)
npm install --save scenaristeur/evejs
then create a basic "HelloAgent.js" in src/agents/hello-agents.js with this code
importeve from 'evejs/dist/eve.custom.js';
function HelloAgent(id){
// execute super constructor, id);
// connect to all transports configured by the system
// extend the eve.Agent prototype
HelloAgent.prototype = Object.create(eve.Agent.prototype);
HelloAgent.prototype.constructor = HelloAgent;
HelloAgent.prototype.sayHello = function(to) {
this.send(to, 'Hello ' + to + '!');
HelloAgent.prototype.receive = function(from, message) {
//slog(" received from :"+from + ' this message: ' + JSON.stringify(message));
console.log(" received from :"+from + ' this message: ' + JSON.stringify(message));
if (JSON.stringify(message).indexOf('Hello') === 0) {
// reply to the greeting
this.send(from, 'Hi ' + from + ', nice to meet you!');
HelloAgent.prototype.broadcast = function(message){
var me = this
var allAgents = Object.keys(this.connections[0].transport.agents);
allAgents.forEach(function (agent){
me.send(agent, message);
HelloAgent.prototype.sendMulti = function(recipients, message){
var me = this
recipients.forEach(function (agent){
//console.log(agent, message)
me.send(agent, message);
export {HelloAgent};
- duplicate another time the src/component/modele-element.js and name it for example messages-element.js then update it's content to get something like this
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class MessagesElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
something: {type: String},
constructor() {
this.something = "world"
return html`
Hello <b>${this.something}</b> from app-element !
customElements.define('messages-element', MessagesElement);
then add it to your src/component/app-element.js
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import './login-element.js'
import './messages-element.js'
class AppElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
something: {type: String},
constructor() {
this.something = "world"
return html`
Hello <b>${this.something}</b> from app-element !
<login-element name="Login"></login-element>
<messages-element name="Messages"></messages-element>
customElements.define('app-element', AppElement);
- update the two component with the communication system : import HelloAgent, create a new agent and send info to the other element.
- ! note that we have add a**name** attribute to each of our element in app-element.js and use it in each element to create the 'HelloAgent' in the 'firstUpdated' function . This allow us to send message from one element to another with '**this.agent.send('Messages',{action:"info", info:"Login "+this.webId});**' and to listen to new messages with a '**receive**' function.
- now or two element can communicate with this code :
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import * as auth from 'solid-auth-client';
import { HelloAgent } from '../agents/hello-agent.js';
class LoginElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
name: {type: String},
webId: {type: String},
constructor() {
this.webId = null
return html`
<!-- if this.webId == null , login button is diaplayed -->
${this.webId == null ?
<button @click=${this.login}>Login</button>
: html`
<!-- else logout button is displayed -->
<button @click=${this.logout}>Logout</button>
this.agent = new HelloAgent(;
auth.trackSession(session => {
if (!session){
this.agent.send('Messages',{action:"info", info:"Not logged"});
this.webId = session.webId
this.agent.send('Messages',{action:"info", info:"Login "+this.webId});
login(event) {
logout(event) {
auth.logout().then(() => alert('Goodbye!'));
async popupLogin() {
let session = await auth.currentSession();
let popupUri = './dist-popup/popup.html';
if (!session)
session = await auth.popupLogin({ popupUri });
customElements.define('login-element', LoginElement);
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import { HelloAgent } from '../agents/hello-agent.js';
class MessagesElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
name: {type: String},
messages: {type: Array}
constructor() {
super(); = "unknown"
this.messages =[]
return html`
<!--<pre class="pre-scrollable">-->
<ul id="messageslist" style="height: 20vh; overflow: auto">
${ => html`<li><b>Agent ${m.from}</b> say "${m.message}"</li>`)}
var app = this;
this.agent = new HelloAgent(;
this.agent.receive = function(from, message) {
if (message.hasOwnProperty("action")){
switch(message.action) {
case "info":
app.addInfo(from, message)
console.log("Unknown action ",message)
addInfo(from, message){
this.messages = [... this.messages, {message: JSON.stringify(message), from: from}]
customElements.define('messages-element', MessagesElement);

# make a gh-pages branches
create subbranch with dist folder
- comment the dist folder in the .gitignore file
git add dist -f && git commit -m "Initial dist subtree commit"
- build & publish to gh-pages
npm run build && git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages
- short cut for publish a change to gh-pages
npm run build
git add .
git commit -m "app updated"
git push
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages