What’s Changed
- Update logback-classic to 1.5.17 (#285) @softwaremill-ci
- Update sbt, scripted-plugin to 1.10.10 (#289) @softwaremill-ci
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.9.3 (#290) @softwaremill-ci
- Add OpenTelemetry context module (#293) @adamw
- Add useInterruptible (#292) @adamw
- Add an option to customize the ThreadFactory that is used in Ox scopes (#291) @adamw
- Update sbt, scripted-plugin to 1.10.9 (#288) @softwaremill-ci
- Update slf4j-api to 2.0.17 (#286) @softwaremill-ci
- github actions refactor (#283) @Blef666
- Update sbt-mdoc to 2.6.4 (#281) @softwaremill-ci