This is a clone to the uber app. Its an app where a people can car pool together if going to similar or close direction
Collins Kariuki
-You need to have nano text editor installed. you can find out whether you have it installed by typing nano --version in your terminal. For most linux distributions, it is installed by default. However, if you don't have it installed, you can quicky do that by typing sudo apt-get install nano in your terminal.
-You need to have (python3.6) installed in your machine
-Python3.6. Installation ($ sudo apt-get install python3.6).
-Django1.11. Installation ($ pip install django==1.11).
-Psycopg2. Installation ($ pip install psycopg2).
-Bootstrap3. Installation ($ pip install django-bootstrap3).
-Pillow. Installation ($ pip install pillow).
-Internet connection
-webpage URL:
-To get to this webpage fist you need to get to my github repository
-You will need a database if you are to clone this app-: to avoid this you can visit deployed app mentioned in the Deployment section. However you could clone to run it on your own. follow the below instructions
-The link to my github Repository is:
-from there you can access the project
-git clone project
-install dependancies in requirements.txt file pip install -r requirements.txt
-cd into project
-create a virtual environment ($ python3.6 -m venv virtual)
-Activate Virtual Environmrnt. ($ source virtual/bin/activate)
-Run The Project-: ($ python runserver)
#{follow the above instructions for set up}
To get deployed application, please follow-:
#Technologies Used
-JAVASCRIPT(hiding and revealing navbar on scroll)
-Django 2.0.7(latest version 2018)
-Mobile number: (+254) 798731203
-Email Address: [email protected]
-github-username: zecollokaris
The app is licensed by MIT.
Collins Kariuki - MIT (c)2018 LICENSE