git calver
is intended as a git subcommand utility, to manipulate git tags using CalVer.
go install
requires a CalVer format to be provided.
# .git/config setting - Lowest Priority
$ git calver format
# It can be set with calver
$ git calver format set --format="YYYY.0M"
# OR Environment Var - medium priority
export CALVER="YYYY.0M.0D"
# OR FLAG - highest priority
$ git calver tag --format="YY.0M.DD"
# specify `-AUTO` for auto-incrementing
$ git calver tag --format="YY.0M-AUTO"
$ git calver help
CalVer is a git subcommand for managing a calendar versioning tag scheme.
git-calver [flags]
git-calver [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
format Get format from .gitconfig
help Help about any command
latest Get latest tag matching the provided format
list Will list all CalVer tags matching the provided format
next Output what the next calver tag will be
retag retag
tag tag
untag untag
-d, --dry-run Dry run
-f, --format string format of calver (YYYY.0M.0D)
-h, --help help for git-calver
--micro uint Micro Version
--minor uint Minor Version
--modifier string Modifer (eg. DEV, RC, etc)
Use "git calver [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Review calver.go for the calver format spec
Supported values are as follows:
// FullYear notation - 2006, 2016, 2106
FullYear = "YYYY"
// ShortYear notation - 6, 16, 106
ShortYear = "YY"
// PaddedYear notation - 06, 16, 106
PaddedYear = "0Y"
// ShortMonth notation - 1, 2 ... 11, 12
ShortMonth = "MM"
// PaddedMonth notation - 01, 02 ... 11, 12
PaddedMonth = "0M"
// ShortWeek notation - 1, 2, 33, 52
ShortWeek = "WW"
// PaddedWeek notation - 01, 02, 33, 52
PaddedWeek = "0W"
// ShortDay notation - 1, 2 ... 30, 31
ShortDay = "DD"
// PaddedDay notation - 01, 02 ... 30, 31
PaddedDay = "0D"
// Auto Increment notation - `-AUTO`
Auto = "-AUTO"
Minor = "MINOR"
Micro = "MICRO"