Brings back the old SCP-173 room gambling as seen in pre-Parabellum.
- Detects if the user is in 173 containment and replaces their item they drop with a whitelisted item.
is_enabled: true
# Whether debug logs should be shown in the console.
debug: true
# Allowed ItemIDs to spawn. (Ex; 48 to allow the Com45 from spawning. Valid numbers are 0-48. Use -1 for none.
- -1
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
EXILED must be installed for this to work.
Place the "PeanutGambleClassic.dll" file in your Plugins folder.
None = -1,
KeycardJanitor = 0,
KeycardScientist = 1,
KeycardResearchCoordinator = 2,
KeycardZoneManager = 3,
KeycardGuard = 4,
KeycardNTFOfficer = 5,
KeycardContainmentEngineer = 6,
KeycardNTFLieutenant = 7,
KeycardNTFCommander = 8,
KeycardFacilityManager = 9,
KeycardChaosInsurgency = 10,
KeycardO5 = 11,
Radio = 12,
GunCOM15 = 13,
Medkit = 14,
Flashlight = 15,
MicroHID = 16,
SCP500 = 17,
SCP207 = 18,
Ammo12gauge = 19,
GunE11SR = 20,
GunCrossvec = 21,
Ammo556x45 = 22,
GunFSP9 = 23,
GunLogicer = 24,
GrenadeHE = 25,
GrenadeFlash = 26,
Ammo44cal = 27,
Ammo762x39 = 28,
Ammo9x19 = 29,
GunCOM18 = 30,
SCP018 = 31,
SCP268 = 32,
Adrenaline = 33,
Painkillers = 34,
Coin = 35,
ArmorLight = 36,
ArmorCombat = 37,
ArmorHeavy = 38,
GunRevolver = 39,
GunAK = 40,
GunShotgun = 41,
SCP330 = 42,
SCP2176 = 43,
SCP244a = 44,
SCP244b = 45,
SCP1853 = 46,
ParticleDisruptor = 47,
GunCom45 = 48,
SCP1576 = 49,
Jailbird = 50